
Saturday, November 30, 2013

US 7th Armored vs Wiking SS Panzers in Dust Up

Shermans advance into the village against the SS Panzers

Game 3 of Perkin's Hobby House and Petawawa Miniature Soldier's (PMS) annual Battle Cry tournament (LW 1650) was against Ian formerly from PMS who recently moved down to Kingston. He was playing the Wiking SS Panzers which under his control is a very feared opponent here in Petawawa!  The mission was Dust Up and I lucked out right away rolling higher and being the attacker.  The table we were playing on was very open which is great for a tank battle but it looked like Vietnam instead of the Lorraine.

Ian's Wiking SS Panzers
OC and 2IC in Panzer IV H
5 x Panzer IV H
3 x StuGs 
3 x Panthers
3 x SP 3.7cm AA2 x 8-Rads

My 7th Armored
OC - E8 and 2IC - Jumbo
4 x Shermans (2 x E8, 1 x Jumbo, 1 x M4A3)
4 x Shermans (2 x E8, 1 x Jumbo, 1 x M4A1)
4 x Stuarts 
2 x 81mm Half track Mortars
Div Recce Jeep and Half track
3 x Priests

US 7th Armor vs German 88's in Counter Attack

Here comes the Shermans, everyone into cover!

Game 2 of Perkin's Hobby House and Petawawa Miniature Soldier's annual Battle Cry tournament (LW 1650) was against ThunderST from the Dice Devils and he was playing the super gun list of Doom.  12 x 88's!  The mission was counter attack where I was the attacker and ThunderST was going to have to keep the US Armor at bay.  Having gone aggressive for the first game I wanted keep that momentum going.

ThunderST's guns
OC and 2IC
4 x 88's
4 x 88's
4 x 88's
3 x Tigr Ie's
Full Infantry platoon
Full Infantry platoon
8 x 2 cm AA guns
3 x Nebs 

My 7th Armored
OC - E8 and 2IC - Jumbo
4 x Shermans (2 x E8, 1 x Jumbo, 1 x M4A3)
4 x Shermans (2 x E8, 1 x Jumbo, 1 x M4A1)
4 x Stuarts
2 x 81mm Half track Mortars
Div Recce Jeep and Half track
3 x Priests

Sunday, November 24, 2013

US 7th Armoured vs Panzer Lehr in No Retreat

 Shermans dead ahead, FIRE!

Game 1 of Perkin's Hobby House and Petawawa Miniature Soldier's annual Battle Cry tournament (LW 1650) was against PanzerKommander.  The mission was no retreat where I was the attacker and PanzerKommander was going to have to keep the US Armour at bay.  This was the first game that I had played with this list.  I had a tank platoon like this for US Nationals and really liked them, plus I got my hands on a 7th Armored box set in a trade so it seemed like a perfect match.  I placed the objective to one side after he placed his centrally at the back, hoping that I would be able to get around on a flank and roll him up before reserves could arrive.

PanzerKommander Lehr
OC and 2IC
Full Grenadiers Platoon
Smaller Grenadiers Platoon
4 x Panzer IV Hs
3 x PaK 40's
4 x 10.5cm guns
4 x Pumas
2 x SP AA

My 7th Armored
OC - E8 and 2IC - Jumbo
4 x Shermans (2 x E8, 1 x Jumbo, 1 x M4A3)
4 x Shermans (2 x E8, 1 x Jumbo, 1 x M4A1)
4 x Stuarts
2 x 81mm Half track Mortars
Div Recce Jeep and Half track
3 x Priests

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Battle Cry 2013

Perkins Hobby House and the Petawawa Miniature Soldiers gaming club held their annual Battle Cry Flames of War tournament this last weekend.  I was finally able to get some gaming in and managed to get an new army ready enough for the table top.  It was LW 1650 with 3 rounds.  Here are some shots of the armies that I managed to get photos of.  I will have 3 new battle reports coming soon.

Ian's SS Wiking

 Easy Company 101st Airborne