
Saturday, February 7, 2015

British 8th Army Infantry vs German Shrutzen in Dust Up

British anti-tank guns form a thin red line

The final game of teh Enbicon 2015 1390 EW tournament was against Mitch.  Mitch is part of the New Minas gaming crew that drove down for the event. The game was played on a densely wooded table and we were both playing infantry companies.  The mission was Dust Up and it promised to be a real slugfest with more an a few assaults.

Big Willie`s British 8th Army Infantry
OC and 2IC
Full platoon with sticky bombs
Full platoon with sticky bombs
Full platoon with sticky bombs
2 x HMG platoon
2 x 8`` mortar platoon
3 x Bren carriers
4 x 2 pdrs AT guns
4 x 18/25 pdrs
Hurricane intercept support

Mitch`s German Shrutzen
OC and 2IC with knackers
Full Grenadier platoon
Full Grenadier platoon
4 x MG34 platoon
3 x mortar platoon
2 x PaK 38 platoon
2 x 8-Rads
1 x 88 with extra crew
Priority Stuka support

Set Up
German objectives are far right in the wood and far right on the road by the hedgerow. Brit objectives are on the road in front of the church and behind last building on the left

British 8th Army Infantry vs DAK Panzers in Pincer

8th Army AT gunners taking out Panzers like a boss!

Game 2 of the Enbicon 2015 1390 EW tournament was against Mark and his DAK Panzers.  We were lucky enough to play on the desert table with Monty's own 8th Army attempting to defend against the Desert Foxes own. This battle field was a combination of both Mark and my terrain and that made it doubly enjoyable.

Big Willie`s British 8th Army Infantry
OC and 2IC
Full infantry platoon with sticky bombs
Full infantry platoon with sticky bombs
Full infantry platoon with sticky bombs
2 x HMG platoon
2 x 8`` mortars
3 x Bren carriers
4 x 2 pdrs
4 x 18/25 pdrs
Hurricane intercept support

Mark DAK Panzers
OC in Panzer III
3 x Panzer IIIs
5 x Panzer IIs
2 x 8-Rads
2 x 10.5cm guns
Trucked Pioneer platoon with supply vehicle

Set Up
Objectives are far right just north of the road and in the desert obstacles centre of the frame

Friday, February 6, 2015

British 8th Army Infantry vs German Schurtzen in Breakthrough

Guns firing over open sights knock out Panzers!

This weekend was Enbicon 2015 which featured a 1390 EW tournament.  I was playing Brit 8th Army Infantry and my first opponent was Quinton who way playing German Mechanized Infantry. The mission was Breakthrough.

Big Willie's 8th Army
OC and 2IC with sticky bombs
Full infantry platoon with sticky bombs
Full infantry platoon with sticky bombs
Full infantry platoon with sticky bombs
2 x Vickers HMGs
2 x 3" mortars
4 x 2pdr
3 x Bren carriers
4 x 18/25 pdrs
Sporadic Hurricane intercept

Quintons Germans
OC and 2IC with knackers
Full armoured platoon
Half armoured platoon
4 x Panzer II Cs
2 x 10.5cm guns
2 x infantry guns
3 x PaK 36 guns
3 x SP AA

Set Up
Objectives are on top of the hill far left and behind the hedge row near the road

Monday, February 2, 2015

Panzer Pioneers vs DAK Infantry in Cauldron

Stukas catch the half tracks in the open and make them pay!

The final game of the GameTronics 1710 MW tournament was against Stormtrooper Nick.  He and I were joking that this would be another rematch.  As always games against Nick end up being a knife fight in a phone booth  The mission was Cauldron, which isn't a mission that is played often in tournaments because it is so random in the deployment.

Big Willie's Pioneers
OC and 2IC with Knackers
Full armoured pioneer platoon
half trucked pioneer platoon
2 x Panthers
2 x 8-Rads
2 x 8" Mortar platoon
4 x Marder III Ms
2 x 2cm SP AA guns (1 x armoured)

Stormtrooper Nick's
OC and 2IC with knackers
Full infantry platoon with 2 x PaK 38s and mortar
Full infantry platoon with 2 x PaK 38s
Full schurtzen platoon
3 x Nebs with PaK 38
4 x Panzer III Ns
2 x 8-Rads
Priority Stuka air support

Set Up
Objectives are far side on the edge of the hill and in between the barn and hedgerow