
Sunday, May 28, 2017

USMC Tanks vs British Tanks in Encounter

The OC moves from cover to keep the street clean!

The final game of the Lords of War 80 point Team Yankee tournament was against Jay and his British tanks. We were playing Encounter and this was going to be the first time that I faced off against the Brits. I've been told that their infantry are tough and their tanks are only slightly easier. Jay's army looked awesome and I find that is what truly makes the game enjoyable, when two well painted armies clash on a good looking battlefield.

Big Willie's USMC
OC in M1
4 x M1 platoon
3 x M1 platoon
3 x M113 mortars
2 x Vads
2 x A10s

Jay's Brits
OC in Chieftain
3 x Chieftains
3 x Chieftains
3 x Swing fire platoon
Full Infantry platoon
6 x Blow pipes platoon
6 x Recce
3 x Lynks Helos
Air Assault infantry platoon

Set Up
Objectives are top of the picture by the woods on the right and farm house on the left and behind McDonalds in the field and just off frame bottom centre by the M1s

Friday, May 26, 2017

USMC Tanks vs East Germans in No Retreat

USMC Tanks light up the advancing Red Tide!

Game 2 of the 80 point Team Yankee tournament at Lords of War was against Shaun and his East Germans. This was my first time playing a No Retreat mission and with deep immediate reserves it meant that I was only going to have 4 M1s on the table to start. Hopefully they would be able to hold off the East Germans until the other tanks could arrive.

Big Willie's USMC
OC in M1
4 x M1s
3 x M1s
2 x Vads
3 x M113 Mortars
2 x A10s

Shaun's East Germans
OC in T-72
6 x T-72s
6 x T-72s
3 x BMP Recce
5 x BMP platoon
2 x Gopher
2 x Shilka
3 x Carnations

Set Up
Objectives are behind the gas station shallow bottom left and behind the Golden Arches middle left

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

USMC Tanks vs West Germans Tanks in Encounter

USMC M1 catches West Germans tanks dashing for cover!

My first game of the 80 point tournament at Lords of War was against Matt and his West Germans. The first mission was Encounter and this would be my first ever Team Yankee tournament game and my third game of Team Yankee so I was hoping that I could remember the rules. Matt had a beautifully painted army, which is always a real pleasure to play against.

Big Willie's USMC
OC in M1
4 x M1 platoon
3 x M1 platoon
2 x Vads
3 x M113 Mortars
2 x A10s

Matt's West Germans
OC in Leo 1
3 x Leo 1
3 x Marders platoon
3 x Leo 2
4 x Gepards
4 x Tornadoes
2 x Luchs

Set Up
Objectives are in the open behind the field and church on the right and in between the  house and hill and on the rail line on the left

Monday, May 22, 2017

Team Yankee Tournament coverage

Soviets push hard against the US block

This weekend I played in my first Team Yankee Tournament at Lords of War in Oakville. The tournament was outstanding and Lords of War is easily one of the best FLGS there is.

Here are some pictures of some of the armies and some of the games in progress, I'll have some battle reports in the next few days.

Shaun's East Germans

More Reference pictures

T-54/55 or T-62?

I had the chance to stop at CFB Borden the other day and got to see a bunch of AFV that are on display around the base. Enjoy!

M24 Chaffee