
Saturday, December 9, 2017

US Armoured Rifles vs US Light tanks in No Retreat

Shemans wading through the carnage while dominating the battlefield!

Game 3 of the Lords of War 80 point MW tournament was against Matt and his Stuart horde in No Retreat. My entire force is mechanised and while Matt had way more tanks than I did but he also had an entire infantry formation as part of his army which meant that I would be attacking. The deep immediate reserves were going to work in my favour limiting Matt to only a single tank platoon.

Big Willie's US Armoured Rifles
OC and 2IC in jeeps
Small Armoured Rifle platoon
Small Armoured Rifle platoon
Armoured Mortars
4 x Lees
4 x Shermans

Matt's US Light Tanks
OC and 2IC in Stuarts
5 x Stuarts
5 x Stuarts
5 x Stuarts
3 x T30s
Armoured Mortars

OC and 2IC infantry
Full Rifle platoon
Full Rifle platoon
4 x Lees

Set Up
Objectives are on the left side of the ruined Monastery and just in front of the ruined red building moving directly towards the camera

Thursday, December 7, 2017

US Armoured Rifles vs DAK Infantry in Counterattack

Shermans flank DAK Panzers while US infantry hold the line!

Game 2 of the Lords of War MW 80 point tournament was against Dean and his DAK infantry. This would mark my second ever game of v4. Again I'm sure that I made mistakes but I would like to think that I'm slowly starting to understand the mechanics of v4. The mission was Counterattack which was going to make it hard on Dean as he would have to race me across the desert to secure the far objective and I would be mounted.

Big Willie's US Armoured Rifles
OC and 2IC in Jeeps
Half Armoured Rifles platoon
Half Armoured Rifles platoon
Armoured Mortars
4 x Lees
4 x Shermans

Dean's DAK Infantry
OC and 2IC
Full infantry platoon
Full infantry platoon
3 x Pak 38
4 x 10.5cm guns
4 x Panzer III's up armoured

Set Up
Objectives are on the road far right side and just off the road top left side

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

US Armoured Rifles vs British Tanks in Encounter

Capt America watches the advance of his Howling Commandos

My first game of v4 was as part of the Lords of War 80 point MW tournament. I've been playing Team Yankee and had played v3 so I figured I'd be good. I was lucky enough to be paired with Craig who was going to help guide me through this voyage of discovery with his Desert Rat tanks.

Big Willie's Armoured Rifles
OC and 2IC with jeeps
Armoured Rifle Platoon (-)
Armoured Rifle Platoon (-)
Armoured Rifle Mortars
4 x Lees
4 x Shermans

Craig's Desert Rat Tanks
OC, 2IC and 2 x Mortar Crusaders
3 x Crusaders
3 x Crusaders
3 x Crusaders
4 x 25 pdrs
2 x Hurriances
Allied Full Armoured Rifle Platoon

Set Up
Objectives are centred inside of the platoons on the left and are top right and top centre

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Lords of War MW 80 pt tournament

Lords of War 80 MW tournament ahead!

Yesterday I had the chance to play in the Lords of War MW 80 point tournament in Oakville. This was my first time playing v4 so I'm sure that I made a bunch of mistakes but I had a great time and as always Lords of War is a great place to play games. I have battle reports coming but here are some of the armies and some actions shots. The calibre of the finished armies was incredible and it looks awesome to see them facing off against each other.

Denis' MW Desert Rats which won best painted

Saturday, November 11, 2017

West German Infantry vs British Armour in Hasty Attack

West German Infantry dug in securing the objective

The final 50 point game for the Lords of War deescalation tournament was against Jay and his British Armour. This was the last game of the tournament and being infantry I was more than happy to secure the objectives and let Jay try and pull it out of my hands. This mission is a little different as it uses Ambush (defender), Immediate Reserves (attacker), and Scattered Reserves (defender). In addition, the attacker places 2 objectives and the defender places on in their own table half and then before the start of the game after all forces have been deployed the attacker removes one of the objectives they placed. I chose my Leo1s to go into ambush and hoped that my infantry and OCs backed with the MLRS would be enough to hold on until the reserves could arrive.

Big Willie's West Germans
OC in Marder
Full Marder platoon
Full Marder platoon
Luchs platoon

OC in M113
Full M113 platoon
Small M113 platoon
Luchs platoon
3 x Leo1s

OP M113
4 x MLRS with mines

Jay's British Armour
OC in Chieftain
3 x Chieftains
3 x Chieftains
4 x Swingfires
2 x Scorpions
2 x Abbotts

Set Up
British objectives are central bottom right behind the wall and left at the edge of the road and far right beside the swamp. The West German objective is central top between the woods and t-intersection

Friday, November 10, 2017

West German Infantry vs British Tanks in No Retreat

BO 105 covers the advancing infantry by suppressing Brit tanks

Game 2 of the Lords of War deescalation tournament was 75 points. I had the chance to play against Craig and his Brit Armour in No Retreat. Craig and I both wanted to defend so we needed to roll off which Craig won and elected to defend.

Big Willie's West Germans
OC in Marder
Full Marder infantry platoon
Full Marder infantry platoon
3 x M109s

OC in M113
Full M113 infantry platoon
Full M113 infantry platoon
3 x Leo1s

4 x MLRS with mines
4 x Tornadoes
2 x BO 105s
2 x Rolands

Craig's British
OC and 2IC in Chieftains with stillbrew
3 x Chieftains
3 x Chieftains
Full Infantry platoon plus 2 milans
2 x Blowpipes
2 x Swingfire
2 x Scorpions
Highlanders platoon

Set Up
Objectives are just behind the factory far left and just behind the oil tanks central to the picutre

Saturday, November 4, 2017

West German Infantry vs West German Panzers in Free for All

Luftwaffe Tornadoes take out a Leopard 1 guarding the objective

Game 1 of the Lords of War deescalation tournament was 100 points and I had a chance to plan against Matt. This was going to be the first game of Team Yankee with my newly almost finished painted West Germans. This army is the first one I've painted using an air brush and I really enjoyed it, I will have some tutorials coming.

Big Willie's West Germans
OC in Marder
Full Marder platoon
Full Marder platoon
3 x Leopard 2 platoon
2 x Luchs

OC in M113
Full M113 platoon
Full M113 platoon
3 x Leopard 1 platoon
3 x M109 platoon
2 x Luchs

4 x MLRS with mines
OP M113
2 x Rolands
4 x Tornadoes

Matt's West Germans
OC in Leopard 1
3 x Leopard 1s
3 x Leopard 2s
3 x Leopard 2s
4 x Gepards
Half Marder platoon
2 x Luchs

4 x MLRS

Set Up
Objectives are bottom centre, and far left for Matt West Germans and my West Germans have near right and top centre for objectives

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Lords of War deescalation tournament

This past weekend, I was able to get out and play in my FLGS, Lords of War, Team Yankee deescalation tournament. It was played at the 100, 75, and 50 point level to represent the losses as the war continued. Here are some of the armies that were played:

Matt Varnish from the Dice Devil's of Ottawa and his 1st place painted Yugoslavians

Sunday, May 28, 2017

USMC Tanks vs British Tanks in Encounter

The OC moves from cover to keep the street clean!

The final game of the Lords of War 80 point Team Yankee tournament was against Jay and his British tanks. We were playing Encounter and this was going to be the first time that I faced off against the Brits. I've been told that their infantry are tough and their tanks are only slightly easier. Jay's army looked awesome and I find that is what truly makes the game enjoyable, when two well painted armies clash on a good looking battlefield.

Big Willie's USMC
OC in M1
4 x M1 platoon
3 x M1 platoon
3 x M113 mortars
2 x Vads
2 x A10s

Jay's Brits
OC in Chieftain
3 x Chieftains
3 x Chieftains
3 x Swing fire platoon
Full Infantry platoon
6 x Blow pipes platoon
6 x Recce
3 x Lynks Helos
Air Assault infantry platoon

Set Up
Objectives are top of the picture by the woods on the right and farm house on the left and behind McDonalds in the field and just off frame bottom centre by the M1s

Friday, May 26, 2017

USMC Tanks vs East Germans in No Retreat

USMC Tanks light up the advancing Red Tide!

Game 2 of the 80 point Team Yankee tournament at Lords of War was against Shaun and his East Germans. This was my first time playing a No Retreat mission and with deep immediate reserves it meant that I was only going to have 4 M1s on the table to start. Hopefully they would be able to hold off the East Germans until the other tanks could arrive.

Big Willie's USMC
OC in M1
4 x M1s
3 x M1s
2 x Vads
3 x M113 Mortars
2 x A10s

Shaun's East Germans
OC in T-72
6 x T-72s
6 x T-72s
3 x BMP Recce
5 x BMP platoon
2 x Gopher
2 x Shilka
3 x Carnations

Set Up
Objectives are behind the gas station shallow bottom left and behind the Golden Arches middle left

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

USMC Tanks vs West Germans Tanks in Encounter

USMC M1 catches West Germans tanks dashing for cover!

My first game of the 80 point tournament at Lords of War was against Matt and his West Germans. The first mission was Encounter and this would be my first ever Team Yankee tournament game and my third game of Team Yankee so I was hoping that I could remember the rules. Matt had a beautifully painted army, which is always a real pleasure to play against.

Big Willie's USMC
OC in M1
4 x M1 platoon
3 x M1 platoon
2 x Vads
3 x M113 Mortars
2 x A10s

Matt's West Germans
OC in Leo 1
3 x Leo 1
3 x Marders platoon
3 x Leo 2
4 x Gepards
4 x Tornadoes
2 x Luchs

Set Up
Objectives are in the open behind the field and church on the right and in between the  house and hill and on the rail line on the left

Monday, May 22, 2017

Team Yankee Tournament coverage

Soviets push hard against the US block

This weekend I played in my first Team Yankee Tournament at Lords of War in Oakville. The tournament was outstanding and Lords of War is easily one of the best FLGS there is.

Here are some pictures of some of the armies and some of the games in progress, I'll have some battle reports in the next few days.

Shaun's East Germans

More Reference pictures

T-54/55 or T-62?

I had the chance to stop at CFB Borden the other day and got to see a bunch of AFV that are on display around the base. Enjoy!

M24 Chaffee

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

82 Airborne Glider Engineers vs 101 Easy Company in Breakthrough

The OC, Capt America watches the deployment of his forces

Game 3 of the Lords of War 1750 LW Bastogne themed tournament was against Matt and Easy Company of the 101st. Those that have read my other battle reports know this would be the second time that my 82nd had gone toe to toe with the 101st. The final mission was Breakthrough and the special rules we used were ice, snow and fog. Fog would be a real challenge for me because until it lifts its just like fighting at night. Which meant my observers would have a hard time seeing Matt's army.

Big Willie's 82nd
OC and 2IC
Full Engineer platoon with cart and 'zooks
Full Engineer platoon with cart and 'zooks
Cav Recon platoon
4 x Sherman platoon with 8 Easy 8s and a Jumbo
3 x 105mm guns
3 x Priests
2 x 155 Long Toms
Limited Air support

Matt's Easy Coy 101st
OC and 2IC
Full para platoon
Full para platoon
Full para platoon
4 x AT gun platoon with 'zooks
6 x glider 105mm
2 x para 75mm
4 x Int Jeeps
2 x 81mm mortars

Set Up
Objectives are on the road by the edge of the wire and near the top centre corner just behind the hill

Monday, January 23, 2017

82nd Airborne Glider Engineers vs US 2ID in Dust Up

US planes swoop down on a strafing run machine guns catching a platoon in the open

My second game of Lords of War 1750 LW Bastogne themed tournament was against Christian and his US 2ID. I've only played against US 2ID once before and I've heard a bunch of the complaints and people calling them wood elves. I understand what the game designers were going for but have a really hard time thinking that these troops would move faster across country that Paratroopers, Rangers, Commandos, and FSSF. In this game we had ice, snow, and the threat of a blizzard. The mission was Dust Up and I was the attacker.

Big Willie's 82nd
OC and 2IC
Full Engineer platoon with cart and 'zooks
Full Engineer platoon with cart and 'zooks
Cav Recon platoon
4 x Sherman platoon with 8 Easy 8s and a Jumbo
3 x 105mm guns
3 x Priests
2 x 155 Long Toms
Limited Air support

Christians US 2ID
OC and 2IC
Full infantry platoon
Full infantry platoon
HMG platoon
Mortar platoon
4 x Towed tank destroyers
4 x 105mm guns
Engineer platoon
2 x Cav Recon platoons
AA platoon
Dismounted Recon

Set Up
Objectives are centre between the two snow drifts and behind the bottom left hill and the other objectives are in the village top right

Sunday, January 22, 2017

82nd Airborne Glider Engineers vs Kampgruppe Pieper in No Retreat

82nd Airborne Glider Engineers dug in around the objective

Lords of War ran a 1750 LW theme Battle of the Bulge event and it was one of the best run tournaments that I've played in. It was also the first time that I've played with the weather effects of ice, snow, blizzards and fog. My first game was against Rob who was rocking a King Tiger Pieper list. The mission was No Retreat and it used the rules for snow, and ice which didn't hurt me as the defender but would slow Rob's advance.

Big Willie's 82
OC and 2IC
Full Engineer platoon with cart and 'zooks
Full Engineer platoon with cart and 'zooks
Cav Recon platoon
4 x Sherman platoon with 8 Easy 8s and a Jumbo
3 x 105mm guns
3 x Priests
2 x 155 Long Toms
Limited Air support

Rob's Germans
OC in King Tiger
King Tiger Platoon
5 x Panzer IV platoon
Full Grenadier platoon
2 x Grilles
3 x Whrilbilwinds
4 x Cannon half-tracks

Set Up
Objectives are in the woods centre foreground and just in to the left of the woods behind the windmill