
Monday, April 18, 2011

Stukas throw knock out punch(es) at Friday Night Fights!

I was able to attend Friday Night Fights this week at Pripyat's.  This was the first week of Tier 2 in the escalation league so it was 1000 pts of Mid-war.  My list for both games looked like this:

2 x Panzer III M's

Combat Platoons
3 x Panzer IV E's
3 x Panzer IV E's

Divisional Support
Priority Air support from Stuka's with bombs

A Stuka pilots dream.....

1000 pts of Mid-war German Panzers

The First Game I played was against Lothlann's Soviets and we rolled up Break out.  This was my first time playing this mission and the first time I've ever used planes.  Using the Defensive Battle rules meant that I would be attacking with half my platoons held in reserves, while he would start the battle in prepared positions with 2 platoons in reserve.

Lothlann's force (if you read this fire the actual list in as a comment).


Combat Platoons
Infantry Platoon with flame thrower
Infantry platoon with jeep like trucks (aka Stuka Targets)

4 x Assault guns
4 x Heavy Mortars
10 x Armoured half tracks

The objectives are across the road at 10 o'clock and on the road at 2 o'clock from the church.

The Panzer IV E's deploy on the verses slope in order to bombard the heavy mortars.

One the first turn my other Panzer IV E platoon and Stukas arrive destroying most of the jeep trucks and pinning the platoon!  OC and 2IC advance and destroy one of the heavy mortar teams.

Bombs smash into the trucks in the open and dug in Infantry alike.

Russians                                         Germans
1 x heavy mortar                             Nil
3 x jeeps
4 x Infantry stands
The Assault guns move onto the board and line up perfect flank shots on the Panzer platoon...

But only bail one tank!!!!

This leaves the Assault guns vulnerable to attack by the Stuka, which ranges in on the first attempt but only hits a single gun (and it bounces off the top armour)!

Russians                                         Germans
3 x heavy mortar                             Nil
4 x jeeps
6 x Infantry stands

The dug in Infantry can't catch a break, with the assault guns spread out they are the preferred target.  The OC and 2IC have destroyed all the heavy mortar tubes leaving only the Pl Comd.  The remaining Infantry move into the woods to escape the Panzer's machine guns.

Russians                                         Germans
4 x heavy mortar                             Nil
4 x jeeps
6 x Infantry stand

TURN 4 & 5
Remember to always leave 16" from the base of your plane and friendly models! AAArrrgghhh!!!!  At least at the bottom of 5 I move to within scoring distance of the objective and with only a turn to get there and no one close we call the game.

Russians                                         Germans
Heavy mortar platoon                     Nil
4 x jeeps
6 x Infantry stand

Stuka kills: 2 x Jeeps, 2 x Infantry and a heavy mortar.

The second game that I got to play was against Pripyat's German Panzers.  This list and mine are very similar with the big difference being that I have planes and he has better tanks.  His list was:

OC in Panzer III M, 2IC in Panzer III J(late)

Combat Platoons
3 x Panzers (2 x III N's and 1 x M)
3 x Panzers (2 x III M's and 1 x J (late))

We played the No retreat mission and rolled off to see who would attack and defend given that we are both tank companies.  He won the roll so he was attacking. That meant that I would have 1 platoon in ambush and 1 platoon in reserve, only the OC and 2IC would be deployed.

Turn 1
Objectives are top edge of town (ammo crates) and directly down on other edge of woods.  My OC is the tank on the right in the woods and the 2IC is in the field on the left. 

Mindful of the Stukas Pripyat's tanks spread out and advance.  Surprisingly not a single plane shows up for the first turn.

The German's advance on the flank lead by the 2IC immediately reinforced by the newly arrived Panzers.

Pripyat                      Big Willie
Nil                            Nil

Stukas arrive and bail out a III M while it and a III J (late) duel with my 2IC.

View for my 2IC waiting in enfilade to engage tanks entering the town.

Watching the Stukas' bombs against enemy armour.

My Panzer IV E's held in reserve arrive and double time into position to be ready for Pripyat's advancing  tanks.

Pripyat                      Big Willie
Nil                            Nil

The 2IC and Panzer platoon make a break across the open field only to be caught and destroyed by Stuka bombs!

This time I've remembered to move the 2IC back so he isn't within 16".

Pripyat                                   Big Willie
2IC in Panzer III J(late)         Nil


The Stuka's continue to bring the pain, destroying a Panzer III M as it moves behind a hedge row.

Pripyat                                   Big Willie
2IC in Panzer III J(late)         Nil
Panzer III M


Panzer III N's have moved up to take cover in the hedge row, but to no avail.  Fire from a Panzer IV E knocks out one and the Stuka knocks out the other!  The flank has crumbled, only one platoon left.

Mean while on the other flank the Panzer's have decided to go around the village and the OC and 2 x Panzer IV E's make short work of the first vehicle.

Pripyat                                   Big Willie
2IC in Panzer III J(late)         Nil
Panzer Platoon
Panzer III M


Panzer's move around the woods and engage the OC, rounds bounce off the German armour.

The OC strikes back against his attacker by launching the ambush platoon!

The combined fire of all the IV E's and the OC prove to much for the remaining 2 tanks of the platoon, but what about the OC....

He has his hands full as the Stuka's bail him out leaving no tanks anywhere!

At this point we ended the game, I have to say that Stukas are amazing killing 3 tanks and bailing another 2 this game.  Now the question becomes what to add to make 1500 pts for the next tier.  Any suggestions?


  1. Yep, sweet report. Pictures turned out real nice!

  2. Thanks guys the scenery Pripyat had on the table is really what makes for an awesome looking battle. I can't wait for the next FNF.

  3. Welcome to the land of ze Germans man! Your tank company looks great!
