
Sunday, June 12, 2011

PanzerKompaine vs 82nd Airborne in Breakthrough

A bad day for the Panzer crews...

Joyous Oblivion came over the other night a we got a chance to get in a game for Tier 3 of the Table Top Tacticians escalation league.  So this was a 1500 pt midwar game played with my limited scenery.  I was running my PanzerKompanie with

HQ - Panzer III M and IV H
Combat Platoons - 3 x IV E's and 4 x III M's
Weapons Platoon - 4 x II F's
Divisional Support - Limited Stukas and 3 x Nebs

Joyous Oblivions 82nd Airborne
HQ - Para OC/2IC with 2 bazookas
Combat Platoons - 3 full strength Para platoons with bazookas
Divisional Support - Para Pioneer platoon with bazooka, 6 gun Para Gun battery and limited Hurricanes

Ground Orientation
The Para's are defending on the left with the Panzers attacking from the right.  Attacking objectives were place on the fields (near left), edge of woods (mid left) and woods (far left), the Defending objective was in the woods (mid right).

 Immediate Ambush of Para Pioneers in the field surrounding 2 objectives

The Para's battery start in prepared positions so they start shelling German tanks immediately

Thankfully they are spread out so no damage is caused.

2IC and Panzer II F's prepare to advance on the left flank!

Good thing the Panzers are spread out as Hurricanes swoop in bailing a wily tanker

The Luftwaffe response by hammer the Para's guns, knocking one out.

Despite having protected ammo the crew remain bailed as the OC, 2IC and platoon advance to be able to engage the dug in troopers

The Panzer II F's race forward to engage the dug in airborne


82nd Airborne
1 x 105mm
Hurricanes response again bailing another Panzer

The Troopers response to the objective being removed by double timing from their objective towards the remaining objectives

Panzers learn the hard way that assaulting dug in fearless veterans Pioneers isn't a good idea

Remaining tanks break off to reconsider their plan
2 x Panzer II F's
2 x Panzer III M's

82nd Airborne
1 x 105mm
4 x Para Pioneer stands
3 x Para Trooper stands

Newly arrived Paratroopers swarm the remaining 2 Panzer II F's (should have broken contact with them...)

Panzer II F's Platoon 
2 x Panzer III M's

82nd Airborne
1 x 105mm
4 x Para Pioneer stands
3 x Para Trooper stands

Hurricanes swoop in blowing up the OC (luckily he jumps into the 2IC's tank) while the Para's battery destroys the Platoon commander of the III M's.  The remaining M quits the field.

More Para's arrive to hold the objective (they are dug in like Alabama Tics!)

The 3rd Para platoon moves into the woods by the other objective

The Luftwaffe arrive and  bomb the dug in Infantry killing a stand

Newly arrived Panzer IV E's double time forward in order to get in the fight
Panzer II F's Platoon 
Panzer III M's Platoon

82nd Airborne
1 x 105mm
4 x Para Pioneer stands
3 x Para Trooper stands

The Panzer IV E's learn from the M's mistake and attempt to soften up the Para's before the assault

Unfortunately the distance required stop the Para's from assaulting the Panzer's also meant they could continue to be bombed.

We played for several more turns with no real effect so we called the game a tie.  Needless to say I learned that you don't want to charge dug in Fearless Veteran Pioneers.


  1. Nice AAR! Glad to see the Paras hang in there to at least force the draw :)

  2. Interesting bat rep! I've always found attacking dug in infantry (especially bazooka armed FV) is REALLY hard without good firepower rolls, or just lots of dice. I would recommend upping your nebs to a full 6 tube battery to give you the double template. I also tend to bring along a pair of mobile AA guns (I use quad 2cm, but the 3cm has a longer range though its a bit more expensive) to both defend against air attacks, but also to have LOTS of guns against dug in infantry.
    Nice paint jobs too!

  3. Yep, attacking dug in FV infantry...hard work.
    Reducing the numbers, smoke, pinning them and timing the big assaults.
    Great report.

  4. Thanks for the comments, I am having a great time playing and journally the experience. Stay tuned for a Big Cat vs Panzer's AAR and soon Total War at 1500 pts!
