
Sunday, October 16, 2011

OMG FoW Tournament Armies

Hey All,

I got to play in the Ottawa Miniature Gamers Flames of War tournament this past weekend and had a blast.  I'm working on AARs for the 3 games and they should be up shortly.  It was a 1500 pt midwar tournament.  Here are what some of the armies looked like.

Pripyat's Soviet Tanks!

Ca$h's Pioneers

Clockwerks Lehr Panzer Grenadiers

Louie's Brits

Chris' Panzers

Bob's Brit Armour (check out the field hospital)

Close up of the hospital (Bob won best army but then didn't win best painted?)

Matt Varnish's King Tiger list (OMG!!!!!!)

Sturm Kompaine

I will hopefully get the AARs up in the next couple of days.


  1. Always great seeing tourney Armys.

  2. Nice job! You drive 2 hours to get home and you are still the first to post up their photos of the event.

  3. Very cool armies (LOVE the King Tiger Comp :) )

  4. nice armies, i really wanted to play, got an email from Jeff friday night but there was no way to miss work on sunday without telling them in advance, however i think my Tiger Kompanie would have had fun. Who won by the way ?
