
Friday, November 25, 2011

Tyne and Tees vs Brits in Breakthrough (round 3)

Crocs lined up ready to engage the 5.5"

The final round was against Louie's Brits in Breakthrough. I ended up winning the roll to attack/defend so Louie set up ready to hold me off for 6 turns. Louie and I had played this mission a couple of times when were were getting ready for the tournament so I felt I had a pretty good understanding of what I needed to do. I was getting pretty tired by the end so I'm afraid that I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked. I deployed everything but the Infantry who conducted the flank march.

Tyne and Tees
  • HQ
  • Infantry Platoon (full)
  • Infantry Platoon (2 sections)
  • UCs with Piat and one extra hull MG
  • 2 x 6 pdr anti-tank guns
  • 4 x Achilles
  • 3 x Crocs
  • HQ
  • Infantry Platoon (2 sections)
  • Infantry Platoon (2 sections)
  • 4 x Sherman Tanks (2 Fireflys)
  • 4 x 25 pdrs
  • 4 x 5.5" guns
  • 3 x Humbers


The Brits set up with Guns at either end of the table dug in and protected by infantry

Shermans will be the mobile force to ensure the TT can't get to an objective

5.5" guns ready to shell the TTs

25 pdrs ready to hassle the TTs

The TT ready to advance quickly and sieze the objective

Thats a lot of self-propelled guns

Crocs hold the flank alone, and begin hammering the dug in 5.5" guns knocking out 2 guns and the Pl Comd breaking their spirit and causing them to break without firing a shot!

Tyne and Tees

Tyne and Tees:Crocs destroy the dug in 5.5" guns before they get a chance to fire a shot! The remaining forces advance attempting to isolate the objectives from the defending Brits.

Brits:Stunned by the loss of the big guns, the infantry dig deeper preparing to hold the ground. No reinforcements arrive to help.


The 25 pdrs smash the Achilles making both fire power rolls!

Tyne and Tees
  • 2 x Achilles

  • 5.5" platoon
  • none

Tyne and Tees:Crocs, 6 Pdrs and OP Sherman continue to hammer the dug in infantry. Achilles and Priests combine fire to destroy the newly arrived Brit Achilles. UCs advance and start holding one of the objectives.

:Achilles arrive from reserve but only bail a Priest and then be destroyed in return fire.


The Priest move to fire over open sights knocking out 2 x 25 pdrs

Tyne and Tees
  • 2 x Achilles
  • 2 x Infantry stands

  • 5.5" platoon
  • Achilles platoon
  • 2 x Infantry stands
  • none

Tyne and Tees:Direct fire from the Priests knocks out 2 guns on one flank. The Crocs, 6 pdrs and Sherman continue to knock out several stands of infantry. The first platoon of infantry arrive and take up position in the woods.

:Shermans move to be ready for Infantry who will start showing up shortly near the objective. 25 pdrs attempt to get revenge on the Priest but the lack of fire power hurts them. The Shermans assault the infantry in the woods knockin out 2 stands, the platoon quickly breaks off.


2nd Infantry platoon arrives and prepares to assault the Shermans in the woods. Achilles move to cover the objectives in case the Shermans advance

The Crocs begin to use their flame throwers to take out the heavily dug in infantry knocking out 3 more stands

Tyne and Tees
  • 2 x Achilles
  • 7 x Infantry stands
  • Infantry platoon
  • 1 x Priest

  • 5.5" platoon
  • Achilles platoon
  • Infantry platoon
  • 2 x 25 pdrs
  • none

Tyne and Tees:Shooting against the Shermans does nothing and I fail the roll to assault with the other platoon. The UCs relieved from holding the objective move to engage the 25 pdrs. Crocs and 6 pdrs finish off the other infantry platoon. The final Infantry platoon arrives and prepares to assault the tanks.

:Shermans go on a rampage taking out 5 stands in one platoon (which passed its motivation to stay on the battlefield) and then break through assaulted into the other Infantry platoon wiping them out. 25 pdrs knock out a Priest


A Sherman knocks out an Achilles and then moves out to engage 6 pdrs but fail to come within 4" of the TT held objective

Tyne and Tees
  • 2 x Achilles
  • 7 x Infantry stands
  • Infantry Platoon

  • 5.5" platoon
  • Achilles platoon
  • Infantry platoon
  • 2 x 25 pdrs
  • none

Tyne and Tees:Crocs and 6 pdrs close the noose around the Shermans. UCs continue to engage the 25 pdrs while the remaining Infantry and Achilles hold the objective.

:Shermans move to engage the 6 pdrs but do no damage and are unable to contest the objective.

At the beginning of turn 6 I held the objective so the game ended 5-2 for me. I think this game should have gone very differently. When Louie deployed his Brits he did trying to give his arty stand off but in doing so left to little to cover the objectives. His Shermans were on fire in the woods and I'm not all for skill checks in woods vs bog checks. Tanks aren't meant to be that dominate in woods. I had a geat time playing in the tournament and ended up winning best general (actually Alex and I tied for it and Gary decided to give is both a prize, pretty sweet!). If your going to be in Petawawa check out Perkins Hobby House. I picked up an Urban base kit, some Wasps and English uniform paint as my prize so stay tuned for the Tyne and Tees in all their correct attire coming soon (I hope). I'm also hoping to do up some more reference picture post shortly.

Generated by WWPD's BatRepper Software.

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