
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Commandos vs Brit Infantry in Free for All

Undaunted the Commado's advance!

With Skirmish 2012 fast approaching and the 1500 LW tournament with it, there are a lot of guys gearing up for it and trying different army lists. I won't be playing in it but wanted to help the guys get ready and wanted to try a new force out. So my Brits became Commando's (at least until I get my other ones painted). We played at Perkins Hobby House and went with Free for All as you will normally play it at least once in a tournament. Louie was rocking his Brits from the Hell's Hwy pdf.

  • HQ with 2 piats
  • Commando platoon 1 section
  • Commando platoon 1 section
  • Commando mortar platoon 2 tubes
  • Independent Armoured platoon (3 Shermans and a Firefly)
  • 4 x Achilles
  • 50th TT Infantry platoon
  • Naval gun fire
  • HQ
  • Infantry platoon
  • Infantry platoon
  • 2 x Achilles
  • 2 x Shermans, 2 x Firefly
  • 8 gun Sexton battery
  • Humber scout car platoon
  • AOP


Objectives are in the front left surrounded by veteran infantry from the 50th and just off camera front right. Objectives in depth at in between the trees on the right (by Louie's right hand) and far left surrounding by Brits.

Shermans, Sextons and Infantry hold the objective.

Sextons, Armoured cars and Infantry hold the other.

Commando's ready to advance and bring their combat skills to bear.

Achilles and mortars hold the centre.

Shermans and infantry hold the other objective.

  • Nil

    Commando's:My plan was to push on the right and have the Shermans and 50th hold on the left. The Achilles in the centre would be used to try and take out his AFV to allow the Commando's to advance without to many MG's hammering them.

    Brits:The Sexton's were spread across the whole rear edge of the table to ensure the naval gun fire wouldn't be able to hit to many of them. An infantry platoon with sit on each objective while armoured cars and Achilles advance on the right and Shermans advance on the left.

    TURN 1

    The first Commando platoon comes out of the gate running while being covered by a slower advancing 2nd platoon

    Achilles move into position to take pot shots at the Sexton's bailing one. The mortars drop smoke on a firefly they can see.

    The 50th dig in on the objective ready to hold it (notice the lay out, special thanks to Jon from WWPD video tutorial on assaults). Shermans advance wary of the 17/25 guns on the Achilles.

    Brit Shermans move up destroying an Achilles with 75mm fire.

    Armoured cars and infantry advance on the left flank.


        TURN 1 SUMMARY
        Commando's:Commando's come running on the left flank. Naval gun fire fails to range in (this will be a trend he did nothing all game!) Shermans and Achilles advance taking positions behind buildings ready to engage the advancing Brits.

        Brits:Shermans destroy an Achilles trying to wrestle the centre of the table away from them. Infantry and armoured cars advance on the left. Observer Sherman advances on the right.

        TURN 2

        Commando's face multiple MGs and Arty only losing a stand!

        The Achilles respond knocking out 2 Shermans (one being the platoon commander) all under the watchful eye of the AOP.

        Shermans advance into the centre of the board taking up position behind buildings to engage the armoured cars and Achilles.

        Despite the immense amount of fire power directed at them the Commando's remain undaunted.

        • 1 x Achilles
        • 1 x Commando stand
        • 1 x Firefly, 1 x Sherman

        TURN 2 SUMMARY
        Commando's:Commando's assault the OP tank but fail to hurt it. The OP hits reverse and pulls out of range. Achilles take their revenge knocking out 2 Shermans while my Shermans fail to do any real damage vs the Achilles and armoured cars.

        Brits:The tenacity of the Commando's was demonstrated here when they were hit by 7 MG shots and Arty that hit another 2 stands and they only lost a single stand! The Veteran tankers prove to be hard shots for the Achilles gunners.

        TURN 3

        Despite the old man's urging the Commando's drop back to get away from the Arty allowing their sister platoon to draw level.

        The armoured cars and Achilles continue to duel with the Shermans. The Shermans destroy one armoured car, bailing the other 2 while only suffering a bail out.

        They also knock out an Achilles!

        The Brit infantry try to assault the pinned Commando platoon, only to be surprised by there being 2 platoons! The assault falters and is pinned losing 3 in the process

        Achilles continue to duel with Shermans knocking out another one while the Shermans and Sextons return fire knocking out one and bailing another.

        • 2 x Achilles
        • 1 x Commando stand
        • 1 x Firefly, 1 x Sherman
        • 1 x Humbar
        • 1 x Achilles
        • 3 x Infantry stands

        TURN 3 SUMMARY
        Commando's:The Shermans on the left flank hold position and continue to hammer the Achilles and armoured cars. In the centre the Achilles hold their own against the Shermans while on the right the main Commando thrust continue to push deeper into enemy territory.

        Brits:Several platoons are now either below half or getting close so the order for a general advacne is given. The Sextons switch from firing bombardments to firing over their open sights on Shermans, Achilles and Commandos but fail to do any real damage.

        TURN 4

        The Commando's are relentless in their pursuit again charging the OP Sherman and driving it back.

        The other Commando platoon opens fire in preparation for their assault killing one stand and causing the Brits to flee.

        The Achilles win their duel against the Shermans killing the final tank!

        The bold move with the Sexton proves fatal as 2 and the remaining Achilles are destroyed in the return volley.

        Commando's continue to advance in the face of MG's and direct firing SP guns!

        • 2 x Achilles
        • 1 x Commando stand
        • 1 x Commando stand
        • Sherman platoon
        • 1 x Humbar
        • Achilles platoon
        • Infantry platoon

        TURN 4 SUMMARY
        Commando's:The right flank crumbles as both the Sherman and infantry platoons are destroyed, only the Sextons remain to stop the Commandos. In the centre the Achilles take out the final Sherman and start attempting to pick off the Sextons. The Shermans on the left spread out in preparation for the potential assault from Brit infantry.

        Brits:Guns blazing the Infantry advance on the tanks only to have their supporting fire slowly stripped away. Initially attempt to set up an assault on the left flank but it becomes clear the defensive fire with all 4 Shermans operational will be devestating.

        At this point Louie had had enough and called it, giving me the 6 - 1 win.  This game went well for me only because of the crazy luck I had on infantry saves. One of the Commando platoons made upwards of 15 saves before losing it's one and only stand in the game. I really enjoyed playing a Commando force but will have to get better at setting up my assaults so that they have a better chance of suriving. I'm hoping to have an update on the painting of my Commandos in the next couple of days.

        Generated by WWPD's BatRepper Software.


        1. Gorgeous terrain and GREAT report!!!!

        2. Nice report dude. The pics are gorgeous, as per usual.

          How do you like the WWPD reporting structure? Is it difficult to load into a blogger blog?

        3. I really like it, I've found the easiest way to use it is to up load all the pictures to blogger then click on them to get the link and cut and paste the link into the batrepper. The compose in blogger lets me see the pictures then I put the annotation into batrepper and when it's all done and I have the html I just delete everything in the compose switch to html paste and then switch back to check how everything looks. I'm not sure why but I can do this and it doesn't screw everything up (I know Steve tells you not to, but I was doing it before I noticed the warning and everything still seemed to work fine.) I'm going to start playing with the colours rather that it always being red vs blue.
