
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tyne and Tees vs Canadian 4th Armoured in Free for All!

Smoking fields of Shermans

I got the chance to get over to Perkins Hobby House this weekend to get a game in. Wild Bill is a new addition to the crowd at Perkins and he's just getting into the game, so we decieded to play Free for all. I think that given some more practice, Wild Bill is going to be a real threat on the Hobby House battlefields.

Tyne and Tees
  • HQ
  • Full Infantry Platoon
  • Under strength Infantry Platoon
  • 2 x 6 pdr anti-tank guns with UC transport
  • 3 x UCs with Piat and extra hull MG
  • 4 x Achilles
  • 3 x Crocs
  • 4 x Priests with OP Sherman
  • AOP
Canadian 4th Armoured Div
  • HQ Shermans with recovery vehicle and AA Crusader
  • Sherman Platoon with Firefly
  • Sherman Platoon with Firefly
  • Sherman Platoon with Firefly
  • 4 x Sextons with OP Sherman
  • Motor Rifle Platoon
  • 2 x Achilles


Objectives in the far ground are off in the open on the right and on the road on the left. In the near ground it is beside the river and bridge on the left and by the hill and river on the right.

Shermans, Achilles and Half Tracks ready to roll out!

More Shermans and Sextons ready to pound the Brits

Priests deployed along the hill ready to rain steel death!

Crocs and Infantry hold the centre ready to advance

Infantry in the woods ready to advance with 6 pdr and OP Sherman support

Achilles hold the objective while preparing to support the advance of the Crocs

First blood goes to the Canadians who use the Sextons to knock out a Croc!

Return fire the Priests knock out a Sexton

The Achilles open fire destroying 3 Shermans, the other fails moral and flees the field

Crocs and Infantry advance

Infantry advance through the woods

6 Pdrs double forward trying to get into position to engage the Sextons

Tyne and Tees
  • 1 x Croc
Canadian 4th Armoured Div
  • Sherman Platoon
  • none

Tyne and Tees:Crocs advance supported by infantry in the centre. 6 pdrs move forward quickly to set up for next turn. Achilles and Priests to damage to Shermans and Sextons.

Canadian 4th Armoured Div:Sextons take out a Croc and the remainder of the army advance. Several shots from Shermans bounce off the the front of the other Crocs.


Achilles continue to smash the Shermans as they advance

Sextons knock out the platoon commanders UC taking him out while the Sherman guns down the Sextons platoon commander

Crocs bail 2 Shermans while the Priests open up on the Achilles bailing one and destroying the other one. UCs knock out a half track and the troops riding in it.

Despite the MGs of the Shermans the Infantry continue to advance

Infantry continue to advance through the trees ready to engage the Shermans

Tyne and Tees
  • 1 x Croc
  • 2 x Infantry stand
Canadian 4th Armoured Div
  • 2 x Sherman Platoon
  • 1 x Sexton
  • 1 x Achilles
  • 1 x half track and 1 x Infantry stand
  • none

Tyne and Tees:Achilles continue to hammer the Shermans destroying another 3 more and causing the platoon to flee. The Priests drop rounds on the open topped Achilles.

Canadian 4th Armoured Div:The MG fire from Shermans knocks out a stand of infantry. The Sextons try to engage the 6 pdrs but the wiley vets prove to hard to hit.


The smoking fields of Shermans

The combination of Sherman MGs and 6 pdr knock out another 2 Sextons and the remainder flee

Tyne and Tees
  • 1 x Croc
  • Infantry Platoon
  • 6 pdr and Command stand
Canadian 4th Armoured Div
  • 2 x Sherman Platoon
  • Sexton Platoon
  • 1 x Achilles
  • Infantry Platoon
  • none

Tyne and Tees:UCs assault into the woods knocking out the remainder of the infantry platoon. Crocs and Achilles continue to advance and engage the Shermans. Infantry attempt to assault the Command Shermans and Crusader only to get smashed by Defensive fire knocking out 4 stands and breaking the platoon who then flee!

Canadian 4th Armoured Div:The Canadians move out the HQ assets and attempt to flank around the Achilles and Crocs. The Canadian Achilles continues to contest the objective from the UCs attempting to knock one out.


Crocs continue their relentless advance on the Shermans taking out another 2 and breaking the platoon

Achilles finally knocks out a UC caught in the open

Achilles advance along the road engaging the HQ assets and Shermans

Tyne and Tees
  • 1 x Croc
  • Infantry Platoon
  • 6 pdr and Command stand
  • 1 x UC
Canadian 4th Armoured Div
  • 3 x Sherman Platoons
  • Sexton Platoon
  • 1 x Achilles
  • Infantry Platoon
  • none

Tyne and Tees:The Achilles advance along the road supporting the Crocs. The UCs continue to hide in the woods from the Achilles while the Priests drop rounds on the it.

Canadian 4th Armoured Div:After passing Coy motivation the Shermans knock out the rest of the 6 pdrs ensuring a 4 - 3 game.


HQ Shermans attempt to sneak around the left flank, Achilles and Crocs are in hot persuit

Tyne and Tees
  • 1 x Croc
  • Infantry Platoon
  • 6 pdr and Command stand
  • 1 x UC
Canadian 4th Armoured Div
  • 3 x Sherman Platoons
  • Sexton Platoon
  • 1 x Achilles
  • Infantry Platoon
  • none

Tyne and Tees:Achilles and Crocs continue to hassle the Shermans while the Priests hammer the Achilles.

Canadian 4th Armoured Div:The Canadians have had enough and retire from the field to fight another day.

This was a great game against Wild Bill. It was totally a learning game for Bill and I have no doubt that next game will be very different. In the end it was a 4 - 3 win for me, had Bill gone for a flank instead of driving into the teeth of the Achilles. This game was their best performance to date.

Generated by WWPD's BatRepper Software.


  1. Awesome! Good to see Batrepper working in the wild some more! BTW- I just released a new version which fixes the blogger format bug:

  2. I just downloaded it, I'm looking forward to trying it out in the future.
