
Friday, May 18, 2012

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK vs German Infantry in Hold the Line

Luftwaffe brings the pain!

This was the final game I got in before Paths of Glory held in Petawawa at Perkins Hobby House. Unfortunately it has taken a while to get it posted. As part of the preparation for the tournament Bob (who would run the tournament) and I played Hold the Line.

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
  • OC in III M
  • 2IC in IV G
  • 4 x III Ms
  • 4 x III Ns
  • 3 x Nebs
  • 2 x 8-Rads
  • Limited Stuka support with bombs
German Infantry
  • OC and 2IC
  • Infantry Platoon 1
  • Infantry Platoon 2
  • 3 x III Ms
  • 3 x PaK 40s
  • 3 x AA guns
  • 4 x 10.5cm guns


Objectives are top centre between road and wood and bottom left surrounded by woods

Panzers in a line abreast ready to advance

Recce leads the way, using the roads for max speed

Infantry dug in on one objective

Platoons held in ambush

The other objective held by AA guns

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
  • Nil
German Infantry
  • 10.5cm guns
  • Infantry platoon 2

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK:I deployed with my entire force on the table and hoped that I could protect my force from the ambushes using Recce and destroy the infantry on the objective before reinforcements arrived.
German Infantry:With two platoons in ambush with good AT so long as Recce doesn't push the deployment too far back Bob had a good chance of whipping out a platoon a turn.


As the battle begins Stukas scream down on the infantry pinning them

As one the entire army advances like a steel wave!

The old man watches his forces advance

The 8-Rads speed down the road and into the village (hopefully they can hold it till the end, eh Matt V?)

The Panzers use their storm trooper moves to get into turret down positions

The rapid advance on the DAK causes both Ambushes to be sprung early! Pak 40s in the woods along the top left and the III Ms

The German III Ms quickly destroy a DAK III M

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
  • 1 x III M
German Infantry

    8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK:I managed to get Bob to reveal both ambushes! I was very happy that I would only have to deal with reserves now. Even though shooting wasn't effective, things are set up well for the next turns.
    German Infantry:The DAK was advancing to quickly and would hold the objective at the beginning of next turn unless they got some serious AT support. The shooting didn't go as well as I would have liked only killing a tank.

    TURN 2

    3 Stukas hear the call for fire and dive bomb the ambushing III Ms destroying 2 of them!

    The III Ns advance on and then assault the dug in infantry killing 3 stands

    The remainder fall back away from the advancing Panzers

    In a daring move the 8-Rad attempts to flank and then assault them, only to be bogged in the woods!

    The PaK 40s find their range and knock out two III Ns!

    8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
    • 1 x III M
    • 2 x III Ns
    German Infantry
    • 2 x III Ms
    • 3 x Infantry stands

    8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK:The tank assault did well against the infantry but the reply from the AT guns has made it clear they need to be silenced. The Stuka hit was a great stroke of luck.
    German Infantry:Stupid planes! At least the PaK 40s are starting to pay for themselves.

    TURN 3

    Nebs take out the PaK 40 that would have otherwise killed the 8-Rad

    Stuka is waved off as the 8-Rads move into the flank of the PaK 40s

    8-Rads assault!

    The lone III M tries to find a place to hide

    8-Rads kill another PaK 40 but both are killed in the process

    8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
    • 1 x III M
    • 2 x III Ns
    • 8-Rad Platoon
    German Infantry
    • 2 x III Ms
    • 3 x Infantry stands
    • 2 x PaK 40

    8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK:I lost a Platoon but that turned out to be critical as it took the PaK 40s out of the fight. I don't think I could have handled another turn of shooting from them.
    German Infantry:Tanks, to many tanks! The AA wasn't as helpful as it could have been if it was spread out.
    In the end it was a 5-2 but if the first turn of shooting went as well as the second this game would have had a very different ending. Stay tuned for the AARs from the Paths of Glory tournament held at Perkins Hobby House in Petawawa.

    Generated by WWPD's BatRepper Software.

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