
Thursday, May 3, 2012

DAK 15th Panzer Division vs German infantry in Hasty Attack

Like a Boss!!!!

This game took place a couple of weeks ago but I've been swamped at work and getting the house ready for the summer. In preparation for Paths of Glory we played one of the potential mission, Hasty Attack. I hadn't played it before and was going to be the attacker.

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
  • OC in Panzer III M
  • 2IC in Panzer IV G (late)
  • 4 x Panzer III M
  • 4 x Panzer III N
  • 2 x 8-Rads
  • 3 x Nebs
  • Limited Stuka support with bombs
German Infantry
  • OC and 2IC
  • Infantry platoon
  • Infantry platoon
  • 3 x Panzer III M
  • 3 x Marders
  • 4 x 10.5 cm guns
  • 3 x PaK 40 guns
  • 3 x AA guns


General Bob overlooking the battlefield

German Infantry surrounding the buildings by an objective

Kaupfgrup with Infantry, Pak 40 and an AA gun hold the other objective

Bob's 10.5 cm guns hold his right flank alone!

III N's ready to advance along the open country towards the infantry holding the objective

III M's hold the center objective ready to advance

Has anyone seen the 2IC?

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
  • Nebs
  • 8-Rads
German Infantry
  • Panzer III Ms
  • Pak 40s
  • AA guns
  • Infantry platoon

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK:The OC, 2IC, III M's and III N's deployed with the Nebs and 8-Rads in reserve.
German Infantry:The 10.5 cm guns, Kaupfgrup, Marders and Infantry platoon deployed with III M's, Infantry, PaK 40s and AA in reserves


The 8th Regiment draws first blood with the Stuka going directly after the lone AA gun, and kills it and a Marder!

The 2IC storm moves a little too far and the 10.5cm guns fire over open sights, taking him out

The remainder of the 8th advance on the dug in infantry

The Marders move to make themselves a more difficult target

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
  • 2IC
German Infantry
  • 1 x AA gun
  • 1 x Marder

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK:The 2IC was careless and paid for it. The remainder of the army uses the distance and cover to its advantage.
German Infantry:After the Stuka attack the Panzer's seem content to advance slowly into the village, using cover to minimize the amount of incoming shots.


The OC rolls forward demonstrating the right way to conduct a battle run killng an infantry stand!

The ring of 8th tanks slowly closes around the German infantry

Tanks move to within assault range but make sure they will get defensive fire if the infantry come out

Nebs arrive from reserve

10.5 cm guns finally find a target and bail a III M

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
  • 2IC
German Infantry
  • 1 x AA gun
  • 1 x Marder
  • 1 x Infantry stand

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK:After the quick loss of the 2IC I try and soften up the enemy before charging into assault.
German Infantry:The Marders are worried about Stukas and don't have and fields of fire into the Panzers. They will have to be exposed to the Panzers main guns if they are to be effective.


Panzers continue to mass fire with their main guns killing another stand

The 10.5 cm guns open fire on the Nebs killing a tube and the Pl Comd

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
  • 2IC
  • Neb and Pl Comd
German Infantry
  • 1 x AA gun
  • 1 x Marder
  • 2 x Infantry stand

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK:I continued to fire my main guns trying to dig out the infantry with little luck. I should have brought in the 8 rads to lift gone to ground instead of the Nebs.
German Infantry:The Infantry holding the objective are starting to run out, reserves are needed and now!


Stukas again loom over the battlefield and hammer the Kaumpfgrup killing a stand

8 Rads come in from reserve and use the road to get into the fight, while Bob's III Ms arrive to hold off the 8th Panzers!

Bob's Ms destroy two of the 8ths Ns

The 8 Rads break contact and pull into a driveway to reorganize while the Marders and the 8th's Ms play cat and mouse

Bob's PaK 40s come out of reserve and add their fire power to the Ms

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
  • 2IC
  • Neb and Pl Comd
  • 2 x Panzer III N
German Infantry
  • 1 x AA gun
  • 2 x Marder
  • 3 x Infantry stand

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK:With the untimely arrival of both the III Ms and the PaK 40s I tried to maximize my ability to attack the objective while minimizing the amount of fire power he could throw back.
German Infantry:With the arrival of the tanks and AT guns things are starting to look better however the buildings are still stopping me from bringing the full weight of fire to bear.


The remaining Ns advance into the Ms and newly arrived AA guns

The return fire from MGs knock out a gun

The Ns destroy a M and bail another

The Nebs add their fire and destroy another M!

The remaining M manages to destroy an N

8 Rads go on the offensive and manage to have one destroyed and the other bailed

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
  • 2IC
  • Neb and Pl Comd
  • 3 x Panzer III N
  • 1 x 8 Rad
German Infantry
  • 1 x AA gun
  • 2 x Marder
  • 4 x Infantry stands
  • 1 x PaK 40
  • Panzer III M Platoon
  • Infantry platoon

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK:Despite losing 3 Panzer III Ns the Pl Comd hung in there and so did the 8 Rad.
German Infantry:The III Ms had had enough and left the field while the lone Marder did what little it could against the Panzers.
In the end Bob and I called it at the end of 5 with his company being almost at half strength and me sitting on the objective. I'm still not using my Recce properly and will have to get better with them. Their jeep mobility is amazing! The other thing I've noticed is just how important selection for deployment and deployment are. I think I'll have to write a whole article on that. I have another 5 AARs that I need to create, hopefully I can do that soon.

Generated by WWPD's BatRepper Software.

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