
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Early War 8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division vs The BAR in Free for All

Flaming tanks everywhere!

This was both my first game of early war and also the first game I've gotten to play in for the Dice Devils EW escalation league. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to paint any new models so you may recognize the DAK Panzers from MW. The actual models are IV Es but for this game they were representing IV Ds. Bob and I agreed to play on a 3'x 4' table and the mission was Free for All.

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
  • OC in IV D
  • 3 x IV Ds
British Armoured Regiment
  • OC in Crusader
  • 2IC tiny light tank (if someone knows the right name let me know)
  • 3 x Crusaders
  • 2 x CS Crusaders
  • 3 x Vickers Mark VI tanks


BAR in the woods and objective on the road

Panzers straddle the woods and protect an objective

The old man protects the other objective

8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
    British Armoured Regiment

      8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK: The platoon holds one objective while the other is guarded by the OC. The intent will be to try and take on pieces of Bobs army at a time.
      British Armoured Regiment: The Panzers have a better gun and armour but their is way less of them. With a couple early kills the BAR could be in for an early victory.

      TURN 1

      Panzers move up into firing positions in the woods

      A lone Brit tanks sticks his head out....

      8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
        British Armoured Regiment

          TURN 1 SUMMARY
          8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK: Panzer advance into good firing positions to dominate the area.
          British Armoured Regiment: A single tank attempts to get a good firing position while the remainder hold their ground.

          TURN 2

          Only to have the Panzers knock him out!

          In epic bad luck 2 of the Crusader tanks bog in the woods!

          This could be the TSN turning point....

          8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
            British Armoured Regiment
            • 1 x CS tank

            TURN 2 SUMMARY
            8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK: Panzers have some good shooting and are ready to take the next bound.
            British Armoured Regiment: Very unlucky dice rolls bogs two tanks and leaves them very vulnerable next turn.

            TURN 3

            Panzers race forward and destroy to bogged tanks!

            The lone survivor fights on!

            The remainder of the BAR forms a firing line attempting to halt the Panzers

            8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
              British Armoured Regiment
              • 1 x CS tank
              • 2 x Crusaders

              TURN 3 SUMMARY
              8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK: Sensing the opportunity that lady luck provided the DAK jumped at the chance and it seems to have paid off so long as we can withstand a turn of shooting.
              British Armoured Regiment: Some times your scheme of manoeuvr is dictated to you by the dice and this just happens to be one of those times.

              TURN 4

              The Panzers move onto the bridge and continue to pour fire into the BAR!

              The return fire from the BAR bails one tank and knocks another one out

              8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
              • 1 x IV D
              British Armoured Regiment
              • 1 x CS tank
              • 2 x Crusaders
              • 2IC

              TURN 4 SUMMARY
              8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK: My shooting went well, bailing several tanks and destroying another. The return fire could have been better dealt with but only losing a tank works well.
              British Armoured Regiment: Finally I've got my first tank kill but from the exchange it looks like we could be on a losing battle.

              TURN 5

              There is a massive fire fight and when the smoke clears 2 x Vickers Mark VIs and the OC are destroyed along with another IV D!

              The remaining Vickers tank flees the field

              8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
              • 2 x IV D
              British Armoured Regiment
              • 1 x CS tank
              • 2 x Crusaders
              • 2IC
              • OC
              • Vickers Mark VI platoon

              TURN 5 SUMMARY
              8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK: The exchanges of fire have been going well for me but with two tanks destroyed it now becomes more important to save the platoon than the OC.
              British Armoured Regiment: The Panzers guns are starting to win the fire fight and the heavy front armour is holding up well against the small tank guns.

              TURN 6

              The OC and remaining IV D finally root out the Crusader causing the BAR to break!

              8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK
              • 2 x IV D
              British Armoured Regiment
              • 1 x CS tank
              • Crusaders platoon
              • 2IC
              • OC
              • Small tank platoon

              TURN 6 SUMMARY
              8th Panzer Regiment, 15th Panzer Division DAK: The Panzers can't reach the objective due to the pile of burning BAR tanks. Lucky for them the BAR breaks at the loss of the Crusader platoon.
              British Armoured Regiment: The bogging of two tanks in the platoon was the TSN turning point. Next time the Brits will have a stronger showing.
              This was my first EW game and I really enjoyed it. This was a case of having a lucky shot due to some unlucky dice rolling by Bob. I'm looking forward to getting more EW games in as part of the Escalation league.

              Generated by WWPD's BatRepper Software.