
Saturday, July 21, 2012

German Panzer Pioneers vs The First Special Service Force in Dust Up

FSSF sneak through the woods and make short work of the Panzer!

This was the last battle of Summer Siege 2012 put on by the Dice Devils (DD) gaming club. It was 1500 pts LW and my last opponent was Twinlinked from the DD who I've played against many times and is a great sport. One of the armies that I've started to collect but haven't finished is the FSSF so I have an idea just how devastating they can be. The mission was Dust Up, and it promised to be one!

First Speacial Service Force
  • OC and 2IC
  • Platoon FSSF
  • Platoon FSSF
  • Platoon FSSF
  • 4 x 105mm guns
  • 4 x 155mm guns
  • 2 x AA guns
  • AOP
German Panzer Pioneers
  • OC and 2IC with Fausts
  • Full Pioneer Platoon with HT and Faust
  • Half Pioneer Platoon with HT and Faust
  • 2 x Tiger IE
  • 3 x Nebs
  • 3 x Panzer IIs
  • 4 x Marder III Ms


Objectives are in the near stream and beside the right Tiger and in the top corner near the farm house and just this side of the far stream by the wood

A platoon of FSSF Commandos hold an objective

While another one holds their flank

155mm guns deploy ready to engage the Tigers

Not to be out done the 105mm are also ready to bring the steel rain

Big Cats lurking in the village

Nebs hold my rear most objective

Panzer IIs ready to advance and define the enemy positions

First Speacial Service Force
  • FSSF platoon
  • 2 x AA guns
German Panzer Pioneers
  • Full Pioneer Platoon
  • Half Pioneer Platoon
  • Marders

First Speacial Service Force: Twinlinked deployed with his infantry holding an objective and mutually supporting each other while forming a guard for his arty park. Given that all the FSSF teams are Pioneer teams with tank assault of 3 or better, it was going to give the Germans pause.
German Panzer Pioneers: I was hoping to get my Recce tanks up quickly but the FSSF were wise to the gig and it looks like it was going to be a sticky situation until I could get some reinforcements in to deal with all the fearless pioneer infantry which now covered the other side of the table.


Tigers and Panzers advance with the Panzers taking out a sole infantry stand before they could dig in

The Nebs can see the 105mm guns and open firing knocking out a gun and pinning the platoon

The Tigers use their range to take out a 155mm gun

First Speacial Service Force
  • 1 x Infantry stand
  • 1 x 105mm gun
  • 1 x 155mm gun
German Panzer Pioneers

    First Speacial Service Force: The open lines of fire are allowing the Tigers to slowly pick off the artillery park. Thankfully Twinlinked was rolling gun saves like a boss! The FSSF on the flank advance into the woods and prepare to assault the light Recce tanks.
    German Panzer Pioneers: The 2IC is off on his own down the road to cause problems while the rest of the army tries to pick apart the FSSF from range and not let the infantry get to close.

    TURN 2

    The FSSF platoon continues to advance through the woods and take out...

    A lone Panzer who wasn't able to disengage

    The plucky 2IC has snuck around to now threaten the FSSF Arty park and with the help of the Tigers takes another gun out of battle

    First Speacial Service Force
    • 1 x Infantry stand
    • 1 x 105mm gun
    • 2 x 155mm gun
    German Panzer Pioneers
    • 1 x Panzer II

    First Speacial Service Force: Twinlinked was able to catch a lone Panzer II who was unable to break contact from Bazoka fire. The Tigers made sure that they stayed far enough away that it would be a gamble to assault them. The 2IC is getting a little too close for comfort but hopefully my reserves will arrive next turn and give the Germans something to worry about in their back field.
    German Panzer Pioneers: I'm playing a little tentative aginst the fearless infantry espeically since they are pioneer teams. I need to open the throttle on MG fire from the tanks and hope that I can get Twinlinked to fail some saves.

    TURN 3

    The first reserves arrived and double time 16" forward in preparation to assault the Nebs

    Despite double teaming and me opening up with 2 Panzer IIs and the old man, I only manage to knock out 2 stands and pin the platoon

    The Tigers continue to move to avoid the infantry, hold the objective and engage the big guns but to no avail

    First Speacial Service Force
    • 1 x Infantry stand
    • 1 x 105mm gun
    • 2 x 155mm gun
    • 2 x Infantry stands
    German Panzer Pioneers
    • 1 x Panzer II

    First Speacial Service Force: Twinlinked's dice were on fire this round. I don't think I've seen anyone make that many 3+ saves on the doubling infantry and then 5+ saves on the gun teams. Oh well, they are Special Forces after all.
    German Panzer Pioneers: With the arrival of the first reserve platoon, I now need to worry about my objective. Hopefully the OC and the Recce tanks will be able to handle them through MGs or assaults.

    TURN 4

    Both the Full Pioneer platoon and Marders arrive from reserve and immediately threaten the 155's, while the 2IC assaults and kills the staff team

    The guns open fire at point blank range and the 2IC disintegrates

    The platoon on the far right unpins and assaults the Nebs knocking out a launcher

    First Speacial Service Force
    • 1 x Infantry stand
    • 1 x 105mm gun
    • 2 x 155mm gun
    • 2 x Infantry stands
    German Panzer Pioneers
    • 1 x Panzer II
    • 2IC
    • 1 x Neb

    First Speacial Service Force: Twinlinked is threatening one objective with a platoon while the others hold firm. The steel rain stopped for a turn while they dealt with more immediate threats. But now that the German reserves arrived it's going to be a bitter fight to hold them off.
    German Panzer Pioneers: Sheer luck was on my side as two platoons happen to arrive at once. I picked the Pioneers and the Marders and pushed hard on the objective. Now all I need to do is try and keep the FSSF platoon away from the objective until I can take theirs.

    TURN 5

    The Nebs, Panzer IIs and the old man prep to see off the FSSF platoon

    The MGs open fire and then the platoon commander assault the FSSF only for me to realize I botched the order for the assault. Which ended up costing me the Neb platoon when they break while the remaining 3 FSSF teams stay contesting the obejective.

    The Marders open fire and destroy the remaining 155mm guns

    The Pioneers attempt to assault the FSSF without first pinning them, this was the second big mistake I made and lost a half track

    The newly arrived AA guns and FSSF take out another Panzer II and bail the thrid, but he stays around. The Old man stands his ground making sure the FSSF don`t hold the objective

    The 105mm guns fire over open sights taking out the two lead Marders!

    THe FSSF continue to press against the Pioneers taking out another HT and stand

    At the end of the FSSF turn no teams are able to get within 4" of the objective

    First Speacial Service Force
    • 1 x Infantry stand
    • 1 x 105mm gun
    • 155mm platoon
    • 2 x Infantry stands
    German Panzer Pioneers
    • 2 x Panzer II
    • 2IC
    • Neb platoon
    • 2 x HT and 3 x infantry stands
    • 2 x Marders

    First Speacial Service Force: The FSSF leash their furry and the Pioneers realize they have bitten off more than they can chew. The 105mm firing over open sights works well and taking the Marders down to 50% but thankfully they are unable to draw line of sight to the other two, one of which is holding the objective.
    German Panzer Pioneers: The FSSF are some really tough SOBs! The only reason this game went the way it did was because my reserves arrived when they did and Twinlinked was able to roll saves like no bodies business.
    The game ended the beginning of turn 6 with me pulling out a 5-2 win. This could have soo easily gone the other way. It was a great game, with Twinlinked being a ton of fun. I really enjoyed myself and look forward to playing another game against him in the future. The FSSF are some seriously tough SOBs, they took everything and kept coming for me. In the end I ended up with 3 wins and taking the best axis general and 4th overall. Thanks again to the Dice Devils for putting on such a great tournament!

    Generated by WWPD's BatRepper Software.

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