
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Paths of Glory 13

This Sunday Perkins Hobby House held a 1750 MW tournament.  There was roughly 24 players with both the Axis and Allies being well represented.  As always Gary from Perkins had great tables, great food and some great times.  I'm not going to do a battle report for all of the games but I will do some posts on the limited photos I did take.

 Joyous Oblivion's US Armour (Top Overall)

More army shots below

 RKelly's Canadians

 Louis S's Australian's (Top General)

 PanzerKommader's Germans

 Matt Varnishes Soviets (played by Alex)

 PhantomRescue's Germans

 Matt Varnish's 8th Army (Best Painted, again)

 ThunderST's Paratroopers

 Ian's Italians

 Charles US light armour

Large Soviet Tank Horde

I'll post some actions shots shortly.  Congrats to all the winners and thanks to Louis for running the tournament.  I managed to pull 3rd overall that netted me the Battlestar Galactica board game.  I may do a review on in it in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. 3rd overall. Great result. Great looking armys.
