
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Op HUSKY 2013 Jul 25

 Sherry Atkinson 70 years after the landings in Sicily

Here is another entry following Sherry Atkinson's through Sicily for the 70th Anniversary of Operation HUSKY the Allied invasion.  Sherry was the Anti-Tank platoon commander for The Royal Canadian Regiment (The RCR) which was part of the 1st Canadian Brigade and in turn the 1st Canadian Division.  The journal entries are written by Sherry's wife Susan Atkinson.

By Susan Atkinson
Operation Husky 2013
July 25, 2013
Today was a day of rest.  There were no scheduled activities, so we slept in until 6:20!  After breakfast, we did up some laundry, and cleaned out the inside of the car.  Then I took off for town and went to the bank for a few more Euros.  Did a little wandering around, and took a few pictures, but didn't buy anything.

I returned here in time for lunch.  We had some salami, cheese, olives, grapes and crackers here, so we had a picnic out on the patio.  Then we played two games of cribbage.  Since the housekeeper was still not done with our room we went out for a gelato, and returned to face the chore of packing up our stuff for the move tomorrow. 

Since we have a fairly early start, we had to do most of it today.  Sherry is having an interview with the local Cultural Association at 5 pm, here at Villa Trigona.  There will be a journalist, videographer and interpreter.  If they are done in time, we may try to squeeze in one more swim before dinner.  We will stay here for dinner, and enjoy our last evening in this wonderful place.

The interview took place as scheduled, at 5 pm, in the reception area at Villa Trigona.  The gentleman who was asking the questions has worked at the Piazza Armerina library for 40 years.  His wife, Angela, was the interpreter, and the videographer was a young woman who had written her thesis about the war in Sicily.

Following the interview, the videographer showed Sherry her thesis, including a large section on the Canadian participation in their liberation.  She asked for our address, and says she will send us a copy of the book. The librarian presented Sherry with a binder about Piazza Armerina, a book on the Roman Villa, and some old photos.  During the discussions, we came to find out that "Grandma" is really the Baroness of Trigona!  She was so impressed with having Sherry there that she had Martia serve a lovely bottle of white wine, and some nuts, cheese, salami and olives. 

They did not leave until 7:30 pm, by which time it was time to change out of uniform and go out to the courtyard for dinner.  We had written a message to the staff in Italian thanks to Google translate and we gave them all their tips.  Martia gave me her email address, and I gave her ours, and we have promised to keep in touch.

We are both sorry to leave.  The staff have been so wonderful to us, the meals so good, and the peace and quiet so relaxing.  It has come to feel like home.  It will be difficult to move to a noisy hotel in a city after the solitude here.  But it is only for a few more nights. 

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