
Thursday, March 10, 2016

How to paint Team Yankee Desert USMC tanks and AFV

USMC reinforcements!

I've discovered that if I don't make a blog post about how I painted something that when I try to paint new units I can't remember how to do it. So here is a lesson on how to paint tan USMC tanks and AFV. I used Vallejo colours for everything as I really like working with their paint bottles. Shout out to Stormtrooper Nick's mad skills with making decals, bonus points to anyone that can tell me all the tank names.

The model was primed grey and then given a base coat of Dark Sand both of which were applied with an airbrush.

I then washed the entire model in Vallejo Game color wash Lavado Sepia 
(it came in a 200mL bottle for $11.95 from meeplemart)

Once the wash has dried the whole model is given a dry brush with Dark sand again. This brings out the highlights

I used a fine Sharpie pen to outline everything and anything on the model. If there is a transition of levels, colours or simply to pick out details on the model I outlined it.

I painted the tracks, machine guns and gas cans black (I used GW black but it can be any manufacture)

I picked out the ammo boxes and the gas cans for highlighting using Vallejo Reflective green (my favourite green to paint tanks in WWII)

 Flak vest for crew commanders (not shown here) was painted reflective green, the panel marker is painted with blazing orange. The Texas flag was painted with regal blue and red gore.

Decals were added and black pigment was brushed around the barrel to make it look like it had chard from firing. Mat Varnish is all that left to complete the model. 

I hope you enjoyed the How to, I plan on doing another one on how I've painted all my USMC aircraft.


  1. Very nice. Can't believe you got M109s done before I got mine done.

  2. Rob, I'll take that as a compliment that you didn't notice they are converted M109s. I got them a while ago when BF was having their Vietnam 40% off sale. I converted the barrels to try and make them look like modern M109s, sadly they are a little crooked in places.

  3. How or where did you make/get the flags that you used. I want to make American flags on my IPM1 platoon.
