
Friday, December 23, 2016

Decal Tutorial

Good day to you all!

Who has ever wanted to make there own custom decals?

If you have you are in luck, I have put together a comprehensvie setep by step guide to do just that!

First off ensure that if you intend to use copywrited images ensrue that you get permission to use them.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

King Tigers vs Canadian Infantry in Dust Up

Lines of sight confirmed

The other weekend I was able to go to Council Fires in Brantford. It was a mostly historical gaming convention with some fantasy games mixed in . As part of the convention there was a 1420 point LW Flames of War tournament. My first game was against Craig and his wonderfully painted Canadians.

Big Willie's King Tigers
OC in King Tiger
King Tiger
King Tiger
Full Grenadier platoon with fausts
2 x armoured mortars
2 x Pumas
3 x 2cm SP (AA) guns

Craig's Canucks
OC and 2IC
Full infantry platoon
Full infantry platoon
Breaching Sherman platoon
Breaching Sherman platoon
4 x 25 pdrs
2 x 3 Wasp platoons
2 x 17/25 pdrs

Set Up
Objectives are behind the woods top centre and middle of the frame on the road for the Germans and behind the building and alone in the fields bottom centre

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

USMC Reinforcements for Team Yankee!

Ready to take out some T72s!

Reinforcements for my Team Yankee USMC are now all decaled and varnished. I love how they turned out and the details in the custom decals that Stromtrooper Nick made are awesome. He is going to hopefully finish off his complete how to post shortly. Plus the hurlbat in flight rotors look amazing. Check them out here at hurlbat, don't forget to select the right scale and type of aircraft. The tanks will also allow me to play Fate of a Nation using them as "counts as". I will be working a tutorial on how to paint the aircraft in the coming weeks but for now enjoy the pictures.

A pair of Cobra gunships

Sunday, August 7, 2016

German Panzers vs German Mountain Infantry in Breaktrough

Mountain guns fire over open sights on Panzers!

This game was my final game of the Nationals preparation tournament held at the Duelling Ground in Toronto. It was a 1500 EW tournament and I was matched against Dean and his mountain German infantry.

Big Willie's Panzers
OC and 2IC in Panzer IV Ds
2 x Panzer IV Ds
2 x Panzer IV Ds
Full Armoured Pioneer platoon with supply truck
2 x Nebs
2 x 8-Rads
3 x 2 cm SP AA trucks

Dean's Mountain Infantry
OC and 2IC
Infantry platoon
Infantry platoon
Pioneer platoon
6 x Mortars
4 x Mountain guns
4 x Mountain guns
3 x Panzerjagers
2 x 8-Rads

Set Up
Objectives are on the stream top left and just off camera to the left

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

German Panzers vs Italian Infantry in Dust Up

Italians advance on the hardened Germans

This weekend the Duelling Grounds in Toronto held a Nationals preparation event. So it was 1500 EW without allowing Japanese.  I am not a big fan of early war so I basically raided my various armies to see what I could cobble together and settled on German medium tanks. My first game was against Jay and his Italian Infantry.

Big Willie's Panzers
OC and 2IC in Panzer IV Ds
2 x Panzer IV Ds
2 x Panzer IV Ds
Full Armoured Pioneer platoon with supply truck
2 x Nebs
2 x 8-Rads
3 x 2 cm SP AA trucks

Jay's Italians
OC and 2IC
Full infantry platoon
Full infantry platoon
Barsigliary (sp?) platoon
Engineer platoon
4 x AT guns
4 x mortars
4 x 75mm guns
4 x 100mm guns
2 x AA trucks

Set Up
Objectives are in the field far right and on the road right of centre, by the bend in the road centre of the picture and behind the building far left

Friday, July 29, 2016

Panzer Pioneers vs British Infantry in Encounter

Utter devastation around the objectives as the Brits Keep Calm and Carry On!

My final game of Op HUSKY 2016 (180 MW) was against Carsten and his British 8th Army, Infantry. We were placed on the desert table which is awesome, because I have a soft spot for fighting in the desert. I always find that in encounter I often try and push to hard, ie before the reserves arrive. Something I think I'm going to need to do more is wait for reserves and then push hard.

Big Willie's Pioneers
OC and 2IC
Full armored pioneers
Full trucked pioneers with supply cart
Weapons pl with 2 x MG42 and Mortars
2 x Panthers
4 x Marders
2 x SP AA guns

Carsten's Brits
OC and 2IC
Infantry platoon
Infantry platoon
3 x UCs
HMG platoon
AA platoon
4 x 25 pdrs
3 x Shermans

Set Up
Objectives are far right above the house, top  right by the hill, mid left behind the houses and bottom centre by the hill

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Panzer Pioneers vs Finn Infantry in Hold the Line

Finn Infantry is the wall that breaks the German wave

My Game 2  of Op HUSKY 2016 a 1850 MW tournament was against Stormtrooper Nick and his Finns. Nick is always a tough as nails opponent who is also a great dude so I was looking forward to the game. I was playing a mechanized force and Nick was playing Infantry so I would have the difficult task of trying to dig out his fearless veteran infantry.

Big Willie's Pioneers
OC and 2IC
Full armored pioneers
Full trucked pioneers with supply cart
Weapons pl with 2 x MG42 and Mortars
2 x Panthers
4 x Marders
2 x SP AA guns

Stormtrooper Nick's Finns
OC and 2IC
Full infantry platoon
Full infantry platoon
Pioneers platoon with supply vehicle
3 x Hvy mortars
2 x PaK 40s
3 x T34s

Set Up
Objectives are in the river just above the bridge and far back left by the woods

Friday, July 22, 2016

Panzer Pioneers vs Canadian Infantry in Breakthrough

Panthers annihilate flanking Shermans

Stormtrooper Nick put on a tournament at Gamezilla Fredericton, it was a 1850 MW tournament. In homage to Op HUSKY the Allied landings in Sicily, the tournament was called Op HUSKY. This was a warm up event for me in preparation for the NATC 2016. Although not playing the exact same army I made it as close as I could. My first game was against Brandon and his Canadian Infantry, straight out of Italy. I was playing my German Panzer Pioneers supported by Panthers and the first mission was Breakthrough.

Big Willie's Pioneers
OC and 2IC
Full armored pioneers
Full trucked pioneers with supply cart
Weapons pl with 2 x MG42 and Mortars
2 x Panthers
4 x Marders
2 x SP AA guns

Brandon's Canadians
OC and 2IC
Full infantry platoon
Full infantry platoon
Commando platoon
4 x HMGs
4 x Mortars
8 x 25 pdrs
2 x 17/25 pdrs
3 x Shermans
3 x Universal carriers
Hurricane support

Set Up
Objectives are by the farm house far right and by the woods middle back

Thursday, July 21, 2016

USMC vs Iraqi Republican Guard in Dust Up

Devil Dog tanks open up BMPs like tin cans!

My second game of Team Yankee was against Storm Trooper Nick and his Russians who we are calling the Iraqi Republican Guard. This was going to be the first game that I was able to play with my now fully painted (although I haven't finished the decals) USMC with it's latest additions of both an air component and newly upgraded M1A1 tanks (although all tanks in this game are representing M1s). This was also the first chance for us to use the newest Battlefront terrain in the form of the oil tanks and the factory. We decided on 100 pts and rolled up the mission Dust Up randomly.

Big Willie's USMC
OC in M1
4 x M60s (representing M1s)
4 x M1s
Half strength infantry platoon
4 x VADs
2 x Cobras
2 x Harriers (representing A10s)

Stormtrooper Nick's Iraqi's
OC in BMP2
10 x BMP2s infantry platoon
4 x BMP1s
4 x BMP1s
10 x T72s
4 x Gophers
2 x Shelikas
6 x Carnations
4 x Hinds

Set Up
Objectives are just above the scotch glass on the left, centre left soviet marking, cross roads on the far right and behind the Mosque

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

German Armoured Pioneers vs Russian Mixed Tanks in Encounter

The night was lit up by the burning hulls of Russian tanks!

My sixth and final game of the NATC 2016 (MW 1650) was against James and Russian mixed Tankovy. The mission was Encounter which meant I was going to be attacking a ton of Russians be it infantry dug in, small tanks or rockets. James was the first player I've ever played against that had enough rockets firing to actually use the devastating bombardment template. That thing is a physiological weapon it I've ever seen one.  We were paired on the desert table, which means it was going to be easy to see each other the whole time. This game also marks the 100th battle report that I've done for Covering Fire!

Big Willie's Pioneers
OC and 2IC
Full Armoured Pioneers
Half Trucked Pioneers
Armoured Mortars
4 x 7.62 Marders
2 x 8-Rads
2 x 2cm SP AA trucks
2 x Panthers

James Mixed Tankovy
OC in T34
7 x T34s
10 x T26s
10 x T26s
8 x Katushkas
Infantry platoon
Anti-tank rifle platoon
AA platoon

Set Up

German objectives are far right by the the oasis and top right by the village ruins and Russian objectives are left by the hill and just off camera slightly further left 

Monday, July 18, 2016

German Armoured Pioneers vs British Armoured Cars in Pincer

Iconic German Panthers vs British Artillery in the snow

My fifth game of the NATC 2016 (MW 1650) was against Roger and his beautifully painted British Armoured Car squadron. The mission was Pincer which meant I was going to be attacking veteran British Guns who were dug in and hidden in the many woods Also, it was on a snow board where everything was going to be moving a slow going speed.  Good thing is it would slow down Roger's cars more than my infantry.

Big Willie's Pioneers
OC and 2IC
Full Armoured Pioneers
Half Trucked Pioneers
Armoured Mortars
4 x 7.62 Marders
2 x 8-Rads
2 x 2cm SP AA trucks
2 x Panthers

Rogers Armoured Cars
OC and 2IC in Humbers
Recce ptl light
Recce ptl light
Recce ptl heavy
Recce  ptl heavy
3 x Shermans
4 x 6 pdrs AT guns
8 x 25 pdrs with observers and battery commander in Stuarts

Set Up
Objectives are in the woods far right and in the woods back right by the building

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

German Armoured Pioneers vs Russia Infantry in Cauldron

Marders move up to machine Russian as they break from cover!

My fourth game was against Ben and his massive Russian infantry. The mission was Cauldron which meant I was going to be attacking Russian infantry who are dug in around the objective in rubble. Ben is also an engineer so he and I hit it off right away. It looked like I was going to have my work cut out for me as he had a massive amount of infantry I was going to have to chew through in order to take the objective.

Big Willie's Pioneers
OC and 2IC
Full Armoured Pioneers
Half Trucked Pioneers
Armoured Mortars
4 x 7.62 Marders
2 x 8-Rads
2 x 2cm SP AA trucks
2 x Panthers

Ben's Russian Infantry
OC and 2IC
Full Infantry company
Small Infantry company
Anti-tank rifle company
Pioneer company
6 x Heavy Mortars
4 x Spetznas
3 x SU 85s

Set Up
Objectives are in front of both hills in the centre of the board on the right

Monday, June 27, 2016

German Armoured Pioneers vs US Armoured Rifles in Fighting Withdrawal

Marders spring an ambush on the advancing Americans!

My third game was against Francois and his US Armoured Rifles. Francois was part of the Western Canada team at the NATC 2016, so it was a battle for the North and we were hoping to be the Jon Snows. The mission was Fighting Withdrawal and I rolled to be the defender. I was hoping that I could keep my undefeated streak to finish off the day.

Big Willie's Pioneers
OC and 2IC
Full Armoured Pioneers
Half Trucked Pioneers
Armoured Mortars
4 x 7.62 Marders
2 x 8-Rads
2 x 2cm SP AA trucks
2 x Panthers

Fracois Armoured Rifles
OC and 2IC with 37mm gun
Full ARP with 37mm
Full ARP with 37mm
3 x AMs
3 x Priests
Armoured Recce
4 x Lees
2 x M10s

Set Up
Objectives are far left by the forward water feature, middle left on furthest back road and bottom right

Sunday, June 26, 2016

German Armoured Pioneers vs US Armoured Rifles in Breakthrough

Marders pounce on the unsuspecting dough boys

My second game was against Stephen and his US Armoured Rifles. The mission was Breakthrough. I was feeling pretty good after the great game that I had against Jeff so I was going to try and keep the undefeated streak alive.

Big Willie's Pioneers
OC and 2IC
Full Armoured Pioneers
Half Trucked Pioneers
Armoured Mortars
4 x 7.62 Marders
2 x 8-Rads
2 x 2cm SP AA trucks
2 x Panthers

Stephen's Armoured Rifles
OC and 2IC with 37mm gun
Full ARP with 37mm
Full ARP with 37mm
3 x AMs
3 x SP 105mms
Armoured Recce
5 x Lees
2 x M10s

Set Up
Objectives are behind the ruin on the right and far right at base of the hill

Thursday, June 23, 2016

German Pioneers vs Grenadiers in Dust Up

Panthers sink their teeth into a tasty Brumbar

I had the pleasure of joining Stormtrooper Nick, Technoviking and the Terrain Guy representing Eastern Canada at the inaugural  North American Team Championship 2016. This years event was a 1650 MW tournament with teams of 4 players squaring off against another team of 4. I had a great time meet new players catching up with old friends. I think the tournament organizers, Tony and his team deserve a special shout out. They did an amazing job keeping the games running smoothly and they even went the extra mile providing snacks and drinks.

My first game was against Jeff and his German Grenadiers. The first mission of the tournament was Dust Up.

Big Willie's Pioneers
OC and 2IC
Full Armoured Pioneers
Half Trucked Pioneers
Armoured Mortars
4 x 7.62 Marders
2 x 8-Rads
2 x 2cm SP AA trucks
2 x Panthers

Jeff Grenadiers
OC and 2IC
Full Grenadiers
Full Grenadiers
4 x Marders
2 x 8-Rads
3 x Panzerwefers
2 x PaK 40s
3 x Brumbars

Set Up
Objectives are in the woods and by the road on the left side and on the back side of the hill and in the wheat field on the right

Sunday, June 12, 2016

North American Team Championship Tournament 2016

First Ever North American Team Championships!

This weekend Stormtrooper Nick, Technoviking, The terrain guy and I all headed down to Springfield OH to play in the first ever North American Team Championship (NATC). There were 12 teams consisting of 4 players on each team and we played 6 rounds. The organizers did an amazing job and the terrain and armies were incredible. I will have 6 new battle reports coming shortly. Here are some shots of the tables and the armies.

Snow Day! 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Op HUSKY 2016 at Gamezilla Fredericton

Canadian Shermans ready for battle

Stormtrooper Nick ran a 1850 MW tournament Op HUSKY at our FLGS (Gamezilla, Fredericton). I have 3 battle reports coming from the tournament but here are some pictures of the tables and armies.

North Western country side

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

We're paratroopers Lieutenant. We're supposed to have 3 full platoons.

Finally finished my US Airborne troops (the infantry part). It was the old box of 3 full platoons. 161 figures all told, and it took years because I undercoated them, and the coat turned into that horrible snow like powder. Had to remove it with a toothbrush, and after that I didn't feel like painting them anymore, until now.

Every platoon comes with a tow cart, bazooka, medium mortar, leader team, and 9 fireteams(!)
The HQ comes with the Old man, 2nd IC, 3 bazookas, and 3 snipers, oh and a pathfinder. I started back on them because I got into Fireball Forward ( which is a great alternative to FOW, and all the book's scenarios use Easy Company.

I will eventually paint the supporting 75mm pack arty, and MGs for these guys but I just can't be buggered painting infantry 15mm for a while, so I'll be doing something like 28mm or tanks or something instead. Will probably finish my Germans or even get going on the snow covered Finns perhaps..

But regardless, here they are, nicely static grassed which is new for me in 15mm. No insignias because that's too small.

Before I forget, the colors I used on all the infantry, here they are. I had to change some colors from the old GW colors half way through. Its a mixture of Vallejo and GW.
(GW changes shown in this table:  

Skin: Base GW Doombull Brown, Highlight GW Tallarn Flesh
Rifle Stock: GW Bestial Brown or Vallejo Chocolate Brown
Uniform: Vallejo US Dark Green
Helmet/Bazookas: Vallejo Olive Grey
Foliage on Helmet: GW Camo Green
Tires and random grey: GW Adeptus Battlegrey
Webbing: Vallejo Green Grey
Ink: GW Devlan Mud, or GW Agrax Earthshade
Base: Base Vallejo Chocolate Brown or GW Bestial Brown, GW Highlight Gorthor Brown, Final Highlight GW Tan

Thursday, March 17, 2016

US Armored Rifles vs German Panzer Grenadiers in Dust Up

Look to the skies!

The final game of the 1710 MW tournament at Animaritime was against StormTrooper Nick. He was running a East Front German Panzer Grenadier list that is very similar to the German Pioneer list I enjoy playing. As we were both playing Mech lists we rolled to see who would be attacking and he won, putting me on the defence.

Big Willie's US Armored Rifles
OC and 2IC
ARP with 4 'zooks
ARP with 3 'zooks
3x Priests
4 x Shermans
4 x Stuarts
Armored Recce
Limited Air

StormTrooper Nick's Germans
OC and 2IC
Mech Pl
Mech Pl
3 x Panzers II Luchs
2 x Panthers
2 x 3.5cm SP AA guns
Limited Air

Set Up

Objectives are bottom centre and middle ground and by the 4 way stop and between the houses in the far ground

Thursday, March 10, 2016

How to paint Team Yankee Desert USMC tanks and AFV

USMC reinforcements!

I've discovered that if I don't make a blog post about how I painted something that when I try to paint new units I can't remember how to do it. So here is a lesson on how to paint tan USMC tanks and AFV. I used Vallejo colours for everything as I really like working with their paint bottles. Shout out to Stormtrooper Nick's mad skills with making decals, bonus points to anyone that can tell me all the tank names.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

USMC Tank Combat team vs Russian BMP Battalion in Encounter

USMC holds its ground!

Nick and I finally got to play a game of Team Yankee. I really enjoyed it but have to brush up a little more on the rules and play it as a different game than Flames of War. I was running US tanks and Nick was playing a BMP Battalion. We rolled  up Encounter and got under way. If you're looking at my force and wondering what the deal is with it, I was going for a Gulf War I, Desert Storm USMC force that I could use for  both Team Yankee and Fate of a Nation. I'm really happy with the way they turned out.

Big Willie's combat team
OC and 2IC tanks
4 x M60s (representing M1s)
3 x M60s (representing M1s)
2 x TOW
2 x TOW (I should have had these, Oops)
4 x VADs
3 x Mortars
2 x Cobras
2 x A10s
Small Infantry platoon

Nick's Battalion
OC in BMP 2
10 x BMP 2
4 x BMP 1 Recce
10 x BMP 1 platoons
10 x T72s
4 x Hinds
2 x Frogfoots

Set Up

Objectives are in the field top and bottom left, on the curve in the highway top and in the mosque compound far right

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Team Yankee USMC!

Hi everyone, I've been working away at updating my USMC for Moderns and the new Battlefront Team Yankee is a perfect fit! I'm trying to do a USMC from Desert Storm so close enough that it will seamlessly fit into the world of Team Yankee. The HMMVEs are M113s, the Harriers are A10s and the M60s are M1s. It is a almost seamless transfer. I will have a post on how I painted my tanks and aircraft up shortly. For now here are some pictures of the Combat team I have finished (less decals and varnish).

 Group Shot with tanks, TOW, aircraft and some infantry