
Saturday, November 17, 2012

German Pioneers vs Australian Armoured Cav in Dust Up

Achtung, Hurricane inbound!

This was the first game of the Dive Devils' Fall Fubar. IT was a three round 1650 MW tournament at the Barrhaven Legion. The first game was Dust Up and I played a PhamtonRescue (one of the members of the final team I played the week before).

Panzer Pioneers
  • OC and 2IC with Knackers
  • Armoured Pioneers with Knacker and supply vehicle
  • Trucked Pioneers with Knacker and supply vehicle
  • 2 x 8-Rads
  • 4 x Marders
  • 2 x Panthers
Austrailian Cavalry
  • OC and 2IC crusader
  • 3 x Crusaders
  • 3 x Universal Carriers
  • 3 x Shermans
  • 3 x Shermans
  • 4 x 25 pdrs
  • Huricannes


Objectives are front right and back left

Pioneers dug in on the objective

Pather's supporting the Pioneers

8-Rads ready to speed down the road

Shermans using the hedgerows to protect them from the Panthers

Panzer Pioneers
  • 4 x Marders
  • Kampfgruppe Pioneers
  • Trucked Pioneers
Austrailian Cavalry
  • 3 x Universal Carriers
  • 3 x Shermans
  • 3 x Crusaders

Panzer Pioneers: If my Panther's can get a couple quick kills I will be in a good place to take out an objective early. Otherwise, I need to make sure that I'm in a position to hold my own objectives later in the game as the other Aussies roll in.
Austrailian Cavalry: The 25 pdrs and Shermans were on the board, so long as the Panther's can't hit them, everything should be fine.


8-Rads rolling down the road feel the steel rain with one being destroyed.

Hurricanes arrive and shred the side armour of a Panther

Half tracks advance behind the ruins

Panzer Pioneers
  • 1 x 8-Rad
  • 1 x Panther
Austrailian Cavalry

    Panzer Pioneers: That was rough, if those planes and guns keep this pace, I'm going to have a really uphill battle. I had no idea that the Hurricanes were that good!
    Austrailian Cavalry: Excellent turn of shooting with the Arty and Hurricanes doing a great job. The Shermans moved around to set conditions for the next turn.

    TURN 2

    Lone Panther on the hunt

    Remaining 8-Rad attempting to conceal itself

    Shermans and Crusaders in the hedgerow attempt to take shots on the 8-Rad

    One Sherman draws a bead on the 8-Rad and sends it to its maker

    Hurricanes continue to swoop in on the remaining Panther, but misses

    Pioneers start picking their way through the rubble

    Trucked Pioneers arrive from reserves

    Panzer Pioneers
    • 8-Rad platoon
    • 1 x Panther
    Austrailian Cavalry

      Panzer Pioneers: I should be able to take out a Sherman with the remaining Panther next turn and hopefully start getting some assaults off this my Pioneers.
      Austrailian Cavalry: One platoon down! The Hurricanes weren't able to take out the other Panther, but we'll get them.

      TURN 3

      The Panther spots a Sherman destroying it with a single shot

      A lone Hurricane swoops down hitting the Pioneers in the open

      Panzer Pioneers
      • 8-Rad platoon
      • 1 x Panther
      Austrailian Cavalry
      • 1 x Sherman

      Panzer Pioneers: Marders arrive and double back towards my own objective to make sure I have something to deal with the soon to arrive tanks. The Pioneers have made their way through the rubble and will be ready to assault next turn.
      Austrailian Cavalry: The Hurricanes weren't as effective this turn and that Panther has sharp teeth. Now if only I can get some help from reserves.

      TURN 4

      The Hurricane swoops in again, with the Panther crew bailed out

      The 25 pdrs rain on the half tracks destroying two of them

      Pioneers assault and destroy the remainder of the Sherman platoon

      Trucked Pioneers move up ready to assault the 25 pdrs

      Kampfgruppe Pioneers moving to a building beside an objective

      Panzer Pioneers
      • 8-Rad platoon
      • 1 x Panther
      • 2 x half tracks
      Austrailian Cavalry
      • Sherman platoon

      Panzer Pioneers: I couldn't get the large Pioneer platoon unpinned, but the other ones moved up and are threatening the objective.
      Austrailian Cavalry: Now we are both down a platoon, Shermans have arrived and will get flank shots on the Panther next turn hopefully they will be able to punch through the side armour.

      TURN 5

      Crusaders double forward into the Marders and are wiped out along with a Sherman!

      Pioneers being to threaten the 25 pdrs and the objectives they are guarding

      Panzer Pioneers
      • 8-Rad platoon
      • Panther platoon
      • 2 x half tracks
      Austrailian Cavalry
      • Sherman platoon
      • Crusader platoon
      • 1 x Sherman

      Panzer Pioneers: Pathers are done, but the Marders are holding their own this turn taking out a platoon and a Sherman! I should have another platoon ready to advance and destroy the guns shortly.
      Austrailian Cavalry: Sweet now both of us have two platoon kills! It wasn't a good idea to double the Crusaders into the Marders, won't be doing that again anytime soon.

      TURN 6

      Marders pop another Sherman at range causing the platoon to flee

      Panzer Pioneers
      • 8-Rad platoon
      • Panther platoon
      • 2 x half tracks
      Austrailian Cavalry
      • Sherman platoon
      • Crusader platoon
      • Sherman platoon

      Panzer Pioneers: The Marders have been the MVP for this game, rolling in and single handedly stopping the Aussie reinforcements from winning the game.
      Austrailian Cavalry: Just can't get enough hits to cause another platoon kill. This was a very close game, with a couple of dice rolls it could have gone either way.
      I had a great time playing PhantomRsecue, it really was a very close game ending 3-2 for me. That could have so easily been the reverse of 1-6 (at least after the first round of shooting!). I definitely no that when your opponent has aircraft you want to stay within 2" of woods or buildings. I thought like Arty planes have three chances to range in, so that's how we played it this game. I don't think had we played it right, it would have really changed the result of the game.

      Generated by WWPD's BatRepper Software.

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