
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Kampfgruppe Pieper vs JagdPanthers and Gernadiers in Encounter

Big Cat Bulls-eye!

This was the final round of the OMG Doubles tournament. It was 1000 pts a player LW with the ability to share 100 pts between players. The final game ended up being Encounter and we were going to have our work cut out for us with only have 4 platoons between the two of us we were playing against Dice Devil's PhantomRescue and Digari.

Kampfgruppe Pieper
  • Matt Varnish's
  • HQ King Tiger
  • 2 x King Tigers
  • Me 262
  • Big Willie's
  • HQ Panther
  • 3 x Panthers
  • Full Grenadier platoon
  • 3 x Pumas
German Infantry and JagdPanthers
  • PhantonRescue
  • HQ and 2IC
  • Half Infantry platoon
  • Half Infantry platoon
  • 2 x 88's
  • 3 x Panzer IVs
  • 3 x PaK 40s
  • 2 x Marder IIIs
  • Digari
  • HQ JagdPanther
  • 2 x JagdPanther
  • 3 x AA guns
  • Higher Comd Team in Panther


Objectives are in all four corners of the battlefield

Puma ready to roll out

Pumas move up behind a wood

OC Panther and King Tigers ready to destroy the JagdPanthers

OC King Tigers in the town, ready to support either flank

German Infantry and 88's guarding the objective

JagdPanther and Infantry guarding the other objective

Kampfgruppe Pieper
  • 3 x Panthers
  • Full Grenadier platoon
German Infantry and JagdPanthers
  • 3 x Panzer IVs
  • 3 x PaK 40s
  • 3 x AA guns
  • 2 x Marders

Kampfgruppe Pieper: We picked the Pumas to roll on and hopefully score an undefended objective given all the roads and their Recce move. When we initially deployed and then let Phantom and Diragi deploy we then played a card that lets us redeploy an already deployed platoon. So the King Tigers went from being on the far left flank to being in the middle. Apparently we were the only team that recieved this bonus and it wasn't announced or advertised. Great thing for campagins but not the best thing for a tournament.
German Infantry and JagdPanthers: Phantom and Digari were smart and ensure there were at least two platoons on both objectives. They had solid anti-infantry and anti-tank and were going to hold out until reserves would come in and move up.


King Tigers and Me 262s open up killing a JagdPanther and bailing another!

Pumas and OC advance against the warrior Panther team

OC King Tiger bogs trying to cross the stream

88's and infantry dig in on the objective

Kampfgruppe Pieper
    German Infantry and JagdPanthers
    • 1 x JagdPanther

    Kampfgruppe Pieper: I realized that if I lost the Pumas I would have to start making company moral test, so they moved away from any threat able to act as a Quick Reaction Force is the enemy got too close to an objective.
    German Infantry and JagdPanthers: The Big Cats and Jets did some damage this turn with the JagdPanter platoon passing motivation to stay around. Unluckily there is no one within range to take advantage of the bogged King Tiger OC.

    TURN 2

    King Tigers advance on the lone Panther

    OC King Tiger unbogs and then rebogs just as fast

    Pumas huddled centrally away from all guns

    Kampfgruppe Pieper
      German Infantry and JagdPanthers
      • 1 x JagdPanther

      Kampfgruppe Pieper: Little happened this turn with us moving to strike in the next turn. With only 2 platoons and 2 Warrior teams the turn went quick.
      German Infantry and JagdPanthers: Again no one is able to engage the OC King Tigers and the JagdPanther OC can't draw line of sight on the Pumas. Waiting for the reserves to show up, which can't happen soon enough.

      TURN 3

      A king Tiger crosses the river and destroys the Panther

      OC Tigers unbogs again and this time start shooting at the Panzer IVs

      Kampfgruppe Pieper
        German Infantry and JagdPanthers
        • 1 x JagdPanther
        • 1 x Warrior Panther

        TURN 3 SUMMARY
        Kampfgruppe Pieper: The right flank is doing well but we have nothing to push the advantage. On the left flank we have started to move the Pumas to be ready to contest the objective as the Panzer IVs are starting to make their way towards it.
        German Infantry and JagdPanthers: The left flank is lost but luckily the right has infantry and Panzer IVs that are able to move up and next turn will heopfully cross the stream.

        TURN 4

        Panzer IVs cross the stream without issue while AA guns advance up to the waters edge

        Marders move up to support OC JadgPanthers

        PaK 40's arrivefrom reserve to reinforce the flank and immediately dig in

        Kampfgruppe Pieper
          German Infantry and JagdPanthers
          • 1 x JagdPanther
          • 1 x Warrior Panther

          TURN 4 SUMMARY
          Kampfgruppe Pieper: The Pumas have rolled down the road so that next turn they will be contesting the objective which is at the same time the Panzer IVs will be making a grab for them. Grenadiers and Panthers arrive from reserve. Grenadiers double time on the roads towards the Panzer IVs while the Panthers go on the offensive!
          German Infantry and JagdPanthers: The PaK 40s arrived in the right place to reinforce the flank. They won't hurt the King Tigers but they can do a number on the Panthers if I'm not careful.

          TURN 5

          OC Panthers takes out a Panzer IV while the remainder make a move for the objective

          JagdPanther and Marders form a firing line

          Panthers open fire knocking out JadgPanther platoon!

          While OC King Tigers knocks out JagdPanther OC!

          Kampfgruppe Pieper
            German Infantry and JagdPanthers
            • JagdPanther platoon
            • 1 x Warrior Panther
            • OC JagdPanther

            TURN 5 SUMMARY
            Kampfgruppe Pieper: Pumas arrive at the beginning of our turn to contest the objective next turn. The Grenadiers are a turn behind them and will be in the woods shortly. The Panthers and OC King Tiger and destroying anything they can see.
            German Infantry and JagdPanthers: The Big cats are on the prowl and with the Pumas and Grenadiers soon to be on the objective things aren't looking good.

            TURN 6

            Pumas holding the Panzer IVs at bay

            Grenadiers and OC Panther ready to support

            88's knock out a lone Stuka as it swooped in on the Marders

            Panzer IVs move up to get in range missing the Pumas

            Kampfgruppe Pieper
              German Infantry and JagdPanthers
              • JagdPanther platoon
              • 1 x Warrior Panther
              • OC JagdPanther

              TURN 6 SUMMARY
              Kampfgruppe Pieper: I think that I may have split turn 5 into a turn 5 and 6 for the battle report. My bad, that's what happens when you wait 3 weeks to actually write it up.
              German Infantry and JagdPanthers: Same as turn 5 because this was actually the end of turn 5.

              TURN 7

              Another Me 262 is shot down while taking out an AA gun

              OC Pathers kills a Panzer IV and the platoon breaks and flees

              Panthers roll across the bridge and kill a Marder in the process

              A lone King Tiger protects the flank

              Kampfgruppe Pieper
                German Infantry and JagdPanthers
                • JagdPanther platoon
                • 1 x Warrior Panther
                • OC JagdPanther
                • 1 x AA gun
                • Panzer IV platoon
                • 1 x Marder

                TURN 7 SUMMARY
                Kampfgruppe Pieper: The Panthers were very lucky this turn taking hits from the 88's, PaK 40s and Marders and bouncing everything. With the Panzer IVs gone the grenadiers move to dig in to ensure the enemies thrust is defeated.
                German Infantry and JagdPanthers: There is no way that the Panthers should still be alive, at least one should be dead! Talk about rotten luck, Big Willie didn't roll lower than a 4 the whole time (at range that's a 15 for the Panthers armour!)

                TURN 8

                Infantry move to engage the Panthers while the Panthers bail and then cause the remaining Marder to flee

                Panther and PaK 40 exchanging shots

                Grenadiers dug in with OC Panthers and King Tiger in support, this objective is secured! AA platoon reduced to the platoon commander

                Kampfgruppe Pieper
                  German Infantry and JagdPanthers
                  • JagdPanther platoon
                  • 1 x Warrior Panther
                  • OC JagdPanther
                  • 3 x AA gun
                  • Panzer IV platoon
                  • Marder platoon

                  TURN 8 SUMMARY
                  Kampfgruppe Pieper: The objective is now completely safe and we need to start moving on the enemies objectives before we run out of time. The Pathers again did a great job bouncing everything without a problem.
                  German Infantry and JagdPanthers: With the Marders and all other mobile anti-tank assets gone this isn't going to go well. At least there are 88's and PaK 40s still guarding the objectives.

                  TURN 9

                  Panthers roll off the bridge and MG the infantry platoon to death!

                  Me 262 swoops in and destroys an 88!

                  Panther platoon commander snipes an 88

                  Grenadiers move to remount while the OCs chase the lone AA platoon Comd

                  Kampfgruppe Pieper
                    German Infantry and JagdPanthers
                    • JagdPanther platoon
                    • 1 x Warrior Panther
                    • OC JagdPanther
                    • AA gun platoon
                    • Panzer IV platoon
                    • Marder platoon
                    • Infantry platoon
                    • 88 platoon

                    TURN 9 SUMMARY
                    Kampfgruppe Pieper: We were finally able to kill the platoon commander and effectively break both compaines at the end of this turn. The Big Cats were unstoppable (except by the stream!)
                    German Infantry and JagdPanthers: Stupid card, stupid Big Cats! My kingdom for some aircraft to destroy these tanks!
                    In the end this was a 6-1 game for Matt Varnish and I. Which gave us a perfect score for the tournament for generalship. We then placed 1 (Matt Varnish) and 2 (Big Willie) for painting so we did as well as we could have hoped for. Special thanks to Jeff B from OMG who was a one man machine running the tournament and cooking lunch, the burgers were awesome! I had a great time and really enjoyed the doubles format. Matt was an excellent partner and I will roll with him to one of these tournaments anytime. He has said that the King Tigers are retired, but we'll see, can anyone say Pieper in Petawawa?  A definite LL here was when selecting your army and then deploying it make sure you aren't going to be making company moral as soon as you lose a platoon.

                    Generated by WWPD's BatRepper Software.


                    1. Yep, I am not taking the KT's to Petawawa. However, I am painting about 5 T-34s a night over here!! Dyos Vidanya!

                      Thanks for posting those great pics. I am not even going to bother buying a new camera when an Ipad works way better.. plus, you can;t fit army lists on my camera!


                    2. A great job to both of you!

                      Im going to play devils advocate here, seeing as your both advanced players and given the obvious power of the list, to you think its broken in the right hands? along the lines of the TDC outcry that seems to be over the internet?

                    3. I don't think it is broken, I think that the lists that are needed to beat it are not typical lists and therefore we don't see them often. Had the 2 x 8 gun battery of 25 pdrs taken a 4 gun 25 pdr and a 4 gun 5.5" battery he could have done damage. Couple that with Hurricanes and we could very easily have had a much different day.

                      I think locally we need to get better with smoke so they can limit the incoming shooting.

                    4. Strange that heavy arty or planes weren't prevalent.

                      I concur about smoke, I always say im going to use it but sucker myself into firing Arty with usually poor results.

                    5. On the receiving end of it I would say that the KTs were the absolute worst thing my Jadgpanthers could face.

                      If you look at the points cost straight up I think the Devil's Charge has better value..
                      230 Jadpanther CV 10/5/1 AT 16 unreliable [w/ CT support]
                      295 King Tiger FT 15/8/2 AT 16 [w/ FT support]

                      You also get better side armour to hold out versus swarms.

                      I think the KTs dominated here for two reasons:
                      1- because it was a 2x1000k doubles tournament people weren't doing to invest in an artillery park
                      2- E&S doesn't have many of the point reductions of newer books -- I was just running the JPs more for fun.
