Friday, November 30, 2012
Blogging Awards! The Liebster Awards
Hi All
I had seen the Liebster awards on a few blogs and thought it was a nice idea. It wasn't until Ben over at Breakthrough Assault, gave this blog one of his awards! I'm very flattered that people enjoy the blog. My friends and I started it so we could show each other what we were doing in the hobby. Now I get to bring attention to some very deserving Blogs. Now there are some rules to this but they are not to restrictive.
1. Copy and paste the award on your blog linking it to the blogger who has given it you.
2. Pass the award to your top 5 favourite blogs with less than 200 followers by leaving a comment on one of their posts to notify them that they have won the award and listing them on your own blog.
3. Sit back and bask in the warm fuzzy feeling that comes with knowing you have made someones day!
4. There is no obligation to pass this onto someone else but its nice if you take the time to do so. In no order here are some great blogs to check out and are my nominations to pass it on!
So my 5 winners are:-
1. Legio Minimus - This was the first blog I started with my friends Ghoulio and Greedo. Some great articles on painting and tactics for 40k!
2. Dice Devils - My boys in Ottawa. These guys have done job as ambassadors for Flames of War in the Eastern Ontario region. Amazing tournaments, terrain and videos all for Flames of War.
3. The Calgary R.E.G.I.M.E.N.T. - A Dice Devil on lone to Calgary Clockwerks has helped to fan the Flames of Flames of War in the Frozen Tundra of Calgary.
4. Scary Biscuits Studios - Insightful and inspiring articles about Flames of War with a Historical twist.
5. Pet Miniature Gamers - My boys in Petawawa. This blog is used as a forum to discuss rules and let everyone know of upcoming events in the areas Flames of War community.
There are too many blogs that I could honourable mention, basically all the blogs that I have linked along the side.
Big Willie
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Panzer Pioneers vs British 8th Army in Breakthrough
Panzer Pioneers
Brit 8th Army
Monday, November 26, 2012
Battle Cry 2012!
RKelly's Schwere Panzers
This weekend marked the annual Battle Cry at Perkins Hobby House in Petawawa. I wasn't able to play but I did get the chance to stop in and snap some photos and say hello to everyone. It looked like everyone was having a good time. Enjoy the pictures, I should have a new battle report done soon.
Christmas Tree Objective
Santa Objective
Serge's Hell's Highway Brits
Close up of the plane
PhantomRescue's Chaffes
Close up of the $9000 Objective (yes that is an air bag on a jeep)...
Apparently the driver really likes the Yankees
A beautiful German force
A German SS Army
Tripples Stag Hound list
Matt Varnishes Russian Tanks
Close up of a Platoon Commander
Ca$h's Germans
Up close with the King Tiger and Hetzers
More German SS
Louie's Americans
Lugg's Pieper Kampfgruppe
BJ's Screaming Eagles Paratroopers
VIII Hasars
Urban Table
Town square
Snow Table
European Country side
Desert Battlefield
French Country side
Random Table
Another Snow table
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Panzer Pioneers vs German Grenadiers in Counterattack
Panzer Pioneers
German Pioneers
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Covering Fire! featured by WWPD
Covering Fire was lucky enough to be featured along side Dice Devils as a Partner Pick of the WWPD. Thanks to Steve, Luke, John and all the WWPD network for the hard work they do making the hobby community a better place. Congratulations to Dice Devils for being featured and for being dudes! Speaking of which when is the new logo going to be up on the website DD's? I want a shirt with that logo on it!
German Pioneers vs Australian Armoured Cav in Dust Up
Panzer Pioneers
Austrailian Cavalry
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Kampfgruppe Pieper vs JagdPanthers and Gernadiers in Encounter
Kampfgruppe Pieper
German Infantry and JagdPanthers
Monday, November 12, 2012
Kampfgruppe Pieper vs Hell's Highway British in Free For All
Kampfgruppe Pieper
Hell's Highway British
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Avenger's Initiative
So here is the group shot that got the ball rolling
So after playing around with easy army I have found the perfect fit for my latest FoW army idea. I'm calling it the Avenger's Initiative because the army is going to be lead by Capt America (using the rules for Lt Spiers from the Nuts book, has bullet proof cover even in the open, tell me that doesn't sound like a certain shield). My son and I have been watching Avenger's Earth's Mightiest Heroes and that help fill in the blanks.
OC - Capt America (aka Lt Spiers)
2IC - Bucky
Combat Platoons (aka the Capts Commandos)
Parachute Infantry with HQ, 2 x Bazookas, 1 x 60mm mortar and 6 rifle stands lead by Taccoa Sgt
Parachute Infantry with HQ, 2 x Bazookas, 1 x 60mm mortar and 6 rifle stands lead by Taccoa Sgt
Weapons Platoon (Howling Sgt Nick Fury)
LMG platoon with 1 section (4 LMGs)
Support Platoons
Sherman Platoon with 1 x Jumbo (The Incredible Hulk), 1 x Sherman (Black Panther) and 2 x Easy Eights (Thor and Ironman)
Tank Destroyers platoon with 4 x M18s (Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wasp and Ant Man)
Glider Artillery with 3 x 105mm guns and jeeps
Works out to 1650 on the nose. With Game Summit's tournament in Feb I wonder if I can have it all done in time....
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Kampfgruppe Pieper vs German Infantry in Counterattack
Kampfgruppe Pieper Matt Varnish
German Infantry
Friday, November 2, 2012
Germans Pioneers painted now what...
With the release of the Nuts book there has been a project that I've wanted to do for a while, here are a couple of hints.
I guess we will see how good my modeling is at 15mm scale.
This picture is the biggest hint
I guess we will see how good my modeling is at 15mm scale.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Panzer Pioneers vs German Grenadiers in Surrounded
Panzer Pioneers
German Pioneers
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Dice Devils Fall Fubar 2012
This was the second weekend in a row that I was able to play in a tournament. It was 1625 MW and was put on by the Dice Devils in Ottawa. The venue was the Barrhaven Legion and it was 3 rounds starting at 1 pm and going until 10. The Legion was a great venue with all kinds of food close by, well lite with air conditioning and a full service bar. I will post all the AARs once I have posted all the AARs from last weekend. In the mean time here are the armies that I was able to take pictures of.
My German Pioneers (Best Axis General, 2nd overall)
It took some practice but I'm happy with the hand painted numbers and Iron Crosses
Louie's Armoured Rifles (Best Allied General, 3rd overall)
Lothlann's Soviets
Ca$h's Germans (Best Overall)
RKelly's Canadians (Best Painted)
Matt Varnishes British
ThunderST's Germans
Stef's Germans
PhantomRescues Australians