Fear the wrath of the Crocs!!!!
The final game was against Clockwerks and his sweet Panzer Lehr Grenadiers. His list looked something like this:
HQ with Schrek
2 x Panzergrenadier Lehr Platoon (6 stands with 3 tank hunter teams, half tracks and a 3.7 cm anti-tank gun)
Heavy Mortar Platoon
Anti-tank platoon (3 x PaK 40s)
4 x Panzer IV H
3 x Pumas
We were playing the Hasty Assault which meant that I would be defending. I deployed my Battery, Anti-tank guns, and Recce on the table and held my Achilles in immediate ambush. Clockwerks deployed a Grenadier platoon, the Pumas and the Panzer IV H's. This game was loads of fun with us laughing a lot at some of the silliness that happend. Great game and loads of fun, I can't wait to have another game aginst him.
Guns dug in along the back with Objectives in the centre of the swamp and on the rail lines (both near right and back left)
Grenadiers with Pumas leading
Panzer IV's holding the left flank
Guns dug in around the swamp holding the objectives
Recce moves out to hunt for obeservers
Anti-tank guns hold the centre from their fox holes while the Achilles anchor the right flank with an observer.
The AOP swoops in calling in the 25 pdrs while the Achilles add their fire to the devestation. All told 4 half tracks with almost all riding troops are destroyed! 2 other half tracks and 2 Pumas are bailed. The Grenadiers resolve is tested but doesn't break.
Recce tries to sneak around behind the Panzers
4 x half tracks
5 x Grenadier stands
Tyne and Tees
Panzers move into the woods but nothing escapes the watchful eye of the AOP.
The Achilles move from their position of cover to try and finish off the Pumas and half tracks
4 x half tracks
5 x Grenadier stands
Tyne and Tees
The 25 pdrs manage to bail a Panzer.
The UCs manage to assault the observer but end up getting bogged down in the swampy ground.
The combined fire from the advacning Achilles is enough to knock out 2 Pumas
4 x half tracks
5 x Grenadier stands
2 x Pumas
1 x Observer
Tyne and Tees
The newly arrived Grenadiers move to the objective only to be shelled for their troubles. Recce is so stuck in the swamp.....
The are ignored by the Panzers as a non threat!
The Achilles come over the hill chasing down the remaining half tracks and the German OC. They manage to take out the half tracks
Grenadier platoon
2 x Grenadier stands
2 x Pumas
1 x Observer
Tyne and Tees
Time is getting short, the Panzers go for the open ground on the flank!
The AOP calls in a Mike target and takes out another 2 stands of Grenadiers

The Puma moves to get flank shots while the PaK 40's enter the battle!
Grenadier platoon
4 x Grenadier stands
2 x Pumas
2 x Observer
Tyne and Tees
1 x Achilles
The 50th finally get some reserves and the Panzers pay for it with 3 of the crews being tourched in their tracks!
The Puma continues to outflank the Achilles and the PaK 40s take them down to half strength
The UC finally remounts and moves against the depleted Grenadiers holding the objective. Of the 10 stands only 6 remain following the shelling.
At this point we were close to time and the only ones still playing our game so we called it. What you can't see in the pictures was Clockwerks table edge that was covered with Nebs and PaK 40's. Awesome game which could have easily gone the other way if the reserves hadn't shown up when they did. Thanks to the OMGs guys for running the event, they did a great job! Stay tuned I have another tournament in Petawawa in Nov that I'm looking forward too.
Nice post man. Fun to play you! Looking forward to a rematch. I have to avenge my fallen brethren!
ReplyDeleteSounds good, perhaps this Nov at the next tourny. I will talk to Gary on Sunday and make sure that he has a army bag set aside for you when you come up.
ReplyDeleteWhen will your next tournament be ?
ReplyDeleteThe next tourny is the 20 Nov at Perkins Hobbies in Petawawa. It should be a great time!
ReplyDeleteouch, thats a 5 hour drive for me
ReplyDeleteIf you can catch a ride with friends it looks like it will be a great time. I have the tournament package and there are a bunch of guys coming from Ottawa.
ReplyDeletei'll see what i can do, convincing others to attend tournaments is not easy around my parts. Will the tournament be 1500 points Latewar ?
ReplyDeleteIt will be if you want to send me an email at the legio email address I can fwd you the tournament package.
ReplyDeleteWell i looked at the Calendar today and ho and behold the 20th of Nov. is a sunday which for me is a work day, i might be able to get it off but i don't know what i would play, 1500 points doesn't lend itself to a Tiger Ko. and my US Rifle company would feel really helpless on some of those tables, unlike the Brits we don't get 17 pdrs or super Crocs to kill tanks.could also consider SS but man 1500 points is rough.
ReplyDeleteI would bring whatever you want to bring, just come and have a good time. Don't worry about being the most competitive army. I'm a big fan of running a combine arms list that has a little of everything. I'm looking to drop 2 Achilles and take a mortar platoon and replace the UCs with Humber IVs.
ReplyDeletei'm also limited in what i have painted, which is basically my US Rifles,Tiger company or Wiking Panzergrenadiers.
ReplyDeletewell i officially cannot get the 20th off at work, so i won't be able to attend, i hope to meet some of you guys in february at i think is't called Skirmish or something anyway good luck.
ReplyDeleteThe gaming group that I played with in Ottawa ran the last FoW tournament at Skirmish. If you look at the past battle reports 3 of the last couple are reports from the tournament.