I was able to get into Perkins Hobby House for what will likely be my last game of FoW in 2011. My friend T2B was around with his 1500 pts of MW Italians and we rolled up Cauldron. I haven't played it in a very long time so it sounded like a good mission where I would be defending. I chose my Shermans for immediate ambush, Commandos and 6 pdrs to be on the board with the other 2 Commando platoons and mortars to be in delayed reserves. T2B tooks his Arty, Lancias and 75/18s which all deployed in one table quarter (damn rolls of 5!) |
| Compangnia Carri
Objectives are in the open space near the board center and peaking out from behind the building directly towards T2B. |
Arty deploys ready to support the advance. |
The 75/18's hug the buildings for cover all under the watchful eye of the old man. |
Lancia's deploy ready to cover the advance on the objective. |
Dug in Commando's watch the Lancia's from a safe distance, while holding the objective. |
The other objective is held by the 6 pdrs who were already dismounted. |
| Compangnia Carri
Commando's:Commando's and 6 pdrs hold the center while Shermans lurk in immediate ambush! Compangnia Carri:All Italian forces deployed on their side of the board in the same quarter ready to advance able to support each other. |
A lone Hurricane swoops in and only manages to pin the guns. |
Shermans spring their ambush taking out the Lancias! |
A view from the turret of the smoking Lancias. |
Commando's | Compangnia Carri
Commando's:The immediate ambush causes the destruction of the Lancias. The lone plane does nothing useful. Compangnia Carri:The 75/18's react the Shermans and swing around to flank them on the left. |
The Shermans move out from the woods with one throwing a track, the others take up positions to take on the 75/18s and the guns. |
With the Italians all deployed the 6 pdrs leave their prepared positions and move to cover the Commandos. |
Italian Arty bails one of the Shermans! |
The combined fire of the Carri's and the 75/18s knock out a Sherman, which causes them to flee the field!!!!! (TSN turning point!) |
| Compangnia Carri
Commando's:Shermans are overly aggressive and move away from supporting fire. They fail to hit the 75/18s or guns. 6 pdrs move to try and support the exposed Shermans. Compangnia Carri:The first Carri platoon arrives from reserves and combine fire with the 75/18s to take out a Sherman and cause them to flee. |
6 pdrs open up knocking out one 75/18 and bailing another 2. |
Another 6 pdr bails 2 Carri's but no kills. |
The Carri fail to remount while the remained of the platoon backs up. |
Italian Arty hammers the 6 pdrs knocking out a Commando stand sun tanning on the roof. |
| Compangnia Carri
Commando's:The 6 pdrs response is hampered by the lack of firepower (or my unlucky rolling ;)) Commandos remain vigilant. Compangnia Carri:The Carri move back leaving two tanks exposed. The 75/18s fail to remount while the remainder of the platoon move through the smoke. |
Commandos sense the chance to get some easy tank kills only to fail their motivation TWICE!!! |
The Carri make short work of the 4 stands caught in the open! |
| Compangnia Carri
Commando's:The failed motivation test leaves the Commando's gutted but they stay in the fight. The OC gets on the radio and calls for reinforcements. Compangnia Carri:The other Carri platoon arrives and escorts the OC on a wide flank march around to the far left, while the Carri and 75/18s assault and take out 4 more Commando stands. |
Mortars take position on the hill. |
Commandos double to try and support their beleaguered comrades. |
Commando's advance behind a hill ready to flank the Carri's and OC. |
| Compangnia Carri
Commando's:All the remaining platoons arrive, but are so far back they may be able to do little to support their brothers. Compangnia Carri:The Carri continue to use there speed to spread the defenders thin and then attack when and where it suits them. |
The old man can't motivate the 6 pdrs to unpin (I had 6 tries and failed them all!) |
6 pdrs manage to take out another 75/18! The others advance ready to take their revenge. |
Commando platoon continues to run forward to support their fallen comrades. |
| Compangnia Carri
Commando's:Commando's fail their skill check to go over the rugged terrain. The other platoon doubles forward to re-leave some pressure. The 6 pdrs fail to unpin but continue to fire on the Carri platoon. Compangnia Carri:The OC and Carri continue on their flank move while the Tankettes and Carri attempt to dug out the Commando's in the buildings. |
Mortars begin to drop smoke to limit the number of shots hitting their pals. |
Following the OC's direction the Carri stay out of assault range! |
T2B and I contemplate the best method of attack and defence. |
| Compangnia Carri
Commando's:Commando's continue to move up but will face an uphill battle against all these light tanks. Compangnia Carri:The encirclement is almost complete with next turn being time to launch the assault! |
There is no doubt in my mind that T2B was going to win this game. We were running out of time when I got the call from the boss to head home before he had a chance to finish his last turn. As it was we ended with a 2 - 2 draw but really it was likely going to be a 5 - 2 for T2B. I'm going to tinker with the Commando list MW (perhaps just have a platoon vs the whole list) we'll see. |
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